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🟢How do I remove the add to cart button of the product page and only use the Fast Bundle Volume discount widget?
🟢How do I remove the add to cart button of the product page and only use the Fast Bundle Volume discount widget?

Step-by-step instructions on how to remove the theme's "add to cart" button and only use the Fast Bundle Volume discount widget.

Updated over 5 months ago

We have a design for Volume Discount bundles in which you have 2 Add To Cart(ATC) buttons: one for your theme's buy buttons and the other for the bundle widget's add-to-cart button.

You can remove the buy buttons of the product page and just use the bundle widget's add-to-cart button even for selling a single item.

How to remove the theme's add-to-cart button

1. Create a new product template

Go to Shopify admin > Online store > Theme > Customize.

From the top menu, choose "Products."

Create a new template based on the "Default product" template and set a name for it.

2. Hide or Remove the Add-to-Cart Button

Hide or remove the buy buttons for this template and save.

3. Assign the New Template to Specific Products

Go to Shopify admin > Products and choose the product to which you want to apply the new template.

From the "Theme template", assign this new template to this product.

This is what the new design will look like.

4. Change the position of the widget (Optional)

​If you don't like the default place for the volume discount bundle widget on the product page, you can change its location.

Custom Liquid Code

Alternatively, use the following custom liquid code to manually position the widget:

<div class="rbrVolumeContainer"></div>

Fast Bundle Blocks

Use the "Volume Discount Position" block through "Fast Bundle Blocks", to reposition the Volume Discount bundle widget on your page.

We hope this article was helpful! If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Fast Bundle support team. You can contact us through the following options:

  • Live Chat: Get instant help via live chat on our website or through the Fast Bundle admin panel in your Shopify dashboard.

  • Email: Send your inquiries to, and our team will respond as quickly as possible.

We’re always here to assist you!

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