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June 5, 2024

Check out the latest updates!

Nicole Preston avatar
Written by Nicole Preston
Updated over a week ago

Version 6.0 is now available!

Check out the latest updates below.

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All Integrations

  1. Ability to leave an offer "Unassigned" to a specific Sales Person

    We have introduced the ability to mark an offer as "Unassigned," allowing all Sales People for that organization to view, edit, track, and perform other actions on the Offer. With this status, all promos, discounts, and associated groups will also become unassigned.

    This feature enhances flexibility and collaboration among sales teams, ensuring easy management of offers within the organization. An example when to use this Unassigned functionality is if there is one Offer that all Sales Persons are selling and a user created a Promo Code for each Sales Person. You want all Sales Persons to see the Offer and track their performance.

  2. New Reason for Offer & Roll Up Fees

    In addition to the introduction of the "Suites" Reason for Offer, we are also releasing the Roll Up Fees feature. When "Suites" is selected as the reason for offer, Roll Up Fees will automatically be enabled. This feature bundles the item price with fees for a single amount without any breakdown. Roll Up Fees can be utilized for any Reason for Offer and accessed through the Actions Menu on the Offer Dashboard.

  3. Merchandise Add-Ons Update

    We've made adjustments to ensure the Add-Ons consistency with how Bundles are displayed on Offers. Now, the image of the Add-On is positioned on the left, with the name of the Add-On appearing in the middle. Additionally, the Add-On amount and quantity selector have been relocated to align with the ticket total.

  4. Google Maps Enabling / Disabling at the Offer Level

    We have introduced an Offer-level toggle for enabling or disabling Google Maps on an Offer. You can now customize map display settings on a per-Offer basis. This enhancement allows for more tailored scenarios based on individual preferences, enhancing the overall user experience.

Ticketmaster Archtics

  1. Section Level - Update Display Names / Descriptions

    We are thrilled to introduce the ability to change the name of specific Section Names and add Descriptions to them. With this update, users can conveniently customize section names and descriptions by selecting the inventory, clicking on "Edit Ticket Display," and accessing the option to update section details upon selecting the Next button. This feature empowers users to provide clearer information and enhance the ticketing experience for their customers.

  2. Ticketmaster Post Purchase Order Summary Update

    The Ticketmaster Archtics post-purchase section has been updated with refreshed Ticketmaster logos and clearer, less confusing language regarding account information. This enhancement aims to provide a more intuitive post-purchase experience for Ticketmaster fans, ensuring clarity and consistency throughout the ticketing process.

Ticketmaster Host

  1. TM Host: Secondary Ticket Type Update

    We have updated our Open Inventory selection flow for TM Host organizations. This update affects the selection of Secondary Ticket Types based on the Primary Ticket Type chosen. If a Secondary Ticket Type is available for the same inventory as the Primary Ticket Type, it will be selectable. However, if it is not compatible, the Secondary Ticket Type will be disabled. This enhancement ensures a smoother and more accurate ticket selection process.

  1. Section Level - Update Display Names / Descriptions

    We are thrilled to introduce the ability to change the name of specific Section Names and add Descriptions to them. With this update, users can conveniently customize section names and descriptions by selecting the inventory, clicking on "Edit Ticket Display," and accessing the option to update section details upon selecting the Next button. This feature empowers users to provide clearer information and enhance the ticketing experience for their customers.


  1. Adding a new Ticket Delivery Method that will allow for tickets to be successfully sold but not printed or delivered to purchasers. This new delivery is called “Digital - Delay Delivery” and is only available for organizations using the Paciolan integrationThis new Delivery can be added under the Organization’s Offer Settings in the “Ticket Delivery Options” area.

    After the Delivery Method has been added to the Organization, “Digital - Delay Delivery” can be used for Offers in that Org. Any ticket sold through the offer when it’s set to that Delivery will have the tickets sold and sent to the Paciolan platform, but will not have them printed.

    When we deliver our FEVO Order Confirmation to purchasers, we will display the Delivery Email Instructions instead of the “Access digital tickets” button that is normally displayed when tickets are printed.

    Who will print (or deliver) tickets set to Delay Delivery?
    For the time being, this will handled in the Paciolan platform either by the organization or Paciolan themselves.

    How will purchasers know that their tickets will be printed later?
    This can be communicated through the Delivery Email Instructions under the Delivery Method. We highly recommend adding these instructions as it will be prominently displayed to purchasers and will communicate to them that their order was successfully but that ticket will be delivered at a later date and time.

    Can an offer be set to Delay Delivery and then flipped to Instant Delivery?
    Yes. Offers can be changed while they are onsale from the “Digital - Delay Delivery” to the instant “Digital” Delivery. After that has been changed on the Offer, any order placed from that point will have their tickets printed and delivered to purchasers.

    PAC: Enhancements for Best Available Flow with Seat Status

    We have made updates to our Paciolan Best Available offers that will enable support of selling from specific Seat Statuses.


  1. AXS: Display Names - Seat Picker + Price Level

    We have updated our Seat Picker purchase flow to display the Price Level Display Name if it has been set. Previously, this functionality was only available with the Best Available flow.

  2. AXS: Delivery Method - Non Digital Delivery Method Updates

    We have updated our Confirmation Email system for orders with non-digital ticket delivery methods. For example, when tickets are sold with the "Mail" delivery method, the Confirmation Email will no longer include the AXS App download text and button. This change ensures that customers receive relevant information based on their chosen ticket delivery method.

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