Donations are a no-brainer Add-On if you are partnered with a non-profit organization or would just like to support a charitable cause.
Here's how it works:
Head to the Buyer Options tab of your Offer
Click Create New Add-On
Select Donation as your Add-On type
Enter the appropriate information for your donation.
Enter the maximum donation amount along with your suggested amount. Once added, select Done.
When shoppers get to check-out, the add-on will populate with the information you entered
To payout your Group directly, click on This is a fundraiser under the Details tab.
Enter all of the details for your Organization. This is used to payout your desired Organization faster. The Group Leader will see the donation amount with their login. Please note: FEVO will pay the Organization entered directly.
Please note, when you are adding inventory, you can also enter an Amount to Group which is used for Donations and built into the Offer price.