This article will cover how to edit your PDF file using a PDF editing tool and add the PDF component Image Field to the graph. You are assumed to have already learned some essential skills in creating and editing an edible PDF file. Here are a few other articles that might be helpful if you have not created editable files.
Key points
Edit your PDF file by adding the PDF component Image Field onto the forms graph
Upload your PDF file to the PDF Library and activate
Create a new Service Agreement using the newly edited PDF file
Upload an image as a Floor Plan
Edit the PDF file
Begin by editing your PDF file. The PDF editing tool you may be using might appear different. However, components and features are consistent.
Using the Image Field component. We will add an Image Field to our PDF document on top of the graph.
Once you have added the Image field component and resized. Open the Component Properties, change the property Name and Tooltip to DIAGRAM, and save.
Upload your PDF file to the PDF Library and activate
Upload your PDF into your PDF Library and activate it.
To quickly verify the diagram is present and recognized by Fieldwork. Edit the form and look for the DIAGRAM label.
Create a Service Agreement using the new PDF.
Create a new Service Agreement.
Create a new service Agreement using the newly edited PDF file. This is preferable then editing an existing Service Agreement.
Upload diagram
From the Service Location. Click Create a new... Select the Upload diagram option.
Using the Create a Floor Plan pop-up. Upload your floor plan image. This file must be JPG or PNG
Now, create a Service Agreement.