Before generating Statements, make sure any checks or cash in your possession have been applied to the invoices they are meant to pay. You do not want to upset a customer who has paid you.
Key Points
Generate Statements from Sales > Statements
Apply the fields to include/exclude
Generate & Email or Generate & Print
From the ribbon bar, click Sales
Click Statements
In the upper-right corner, click the Generate Statements button
A Generate Statements dialog box appears
To generate Statements based on Invoice status:
Click None selected to the right of Invoice Status
Click any of the criteria that matches the statement you want to generate
* Paid
* Unpaid
* Overdue
* Bad debt
To generate Statements based on Customer status:
Click None selected to the right of Customer status
Click any of the criteria that matches the statement you want to generate
* Active
* Inactive
* Financial hold
* Sent to Collections
To generate Statements based on Billing Term:
Click None selected to the right of Billing Term
Click any of the criteria that matches the statement you want to generate
To generate Statements based on Invoice Delivery Preference:
Click None selected to the right of Invoice Delivery Preference
Click either of the criteria that matches the statement you want to generate
To include invoices that have at least a minimum balance, enter that amount next to Minimum Balance. Invoices below this amount will not be included in the Statement.
To include invoices click Include Invoices [x].
To focus your search to accounts that have a billing email address, click Yes.
To generate Statements based on customer tags, type the tag in the text box to the right of Customer tags
To include invoices with specific date criteria, click Before, After, or Between
A mm/dd/yyyy calendar appears for Before or After
Two mm/dd/yyyy calendars appear for Between
To generate statements that are over 90 days old, click Before and go back three months from today's date. Go back two or one month to generate statements that are over 60 and 30 days old, respectively.
To generate statements that are after a certain date, click After and go back to that date in the calendar.
To generate statements that are between a certain period of time, click Between and select the From and To dates in the calendars.
Click Generate and Email or Generate and Print. We recommend that you first select Generate and Print. This gives you an opportunity to see the PDF file and its contents before you email it to your clients.
When you click Generate and Email the statement goes out only to those accounts that have an email address. Accounts without an email address do not get the Statement and you will not be notified that they did not get it.
Also watch this video.