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Settings - Services

Create and modify the services you perform

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


Services are the work you perform for the customer and are available in Estimates, Work Orders, and Invoices. You can change prices here to reflect changes going forward. Prices can also be changed in individual Estimates, Work Orders, or Invoices to reflect the simplicity/complexity of the job, increased footage, etc.

Key Points

  • Enter a description for the service

  • Create Categories to group individual services together

  • Enter detailed descriptions of services that appear in the Work Order

  • Enter the most commonly used price for the service

Click the New Service button to create a new service.


Enter a description for the service. Be as generic, ‘Monthly Pest Control,’ or as specific, ‘Quarterly Pest Control with Interior/Exterior Carpenter Ant Treatment,’ as you like. 


Create Categories to group individual services together. Duplicate the Categories name to match the names in your General Ledger. This gives you a way to group your services and then later filter reports by category. 


Later filter reports by category...


This information appears on the Estimates, Work Orders, and Invoices PDF. Enter detailed descriptions of services to set the customer’s expectations or to act as instructions to the technician. It can be later modified when creating an Estimate, Work Order, or Invoice.


Enter the most commonly used price for the service. The price should be one that you'll use most often (so you'll change it the fewest number of times). It can be changed later when creating the Estimate, Work Order, or Invoice.

Click the green Create Service button.

From the Settings/Services location, click the Edit button to update an existing service for the Description, Category, Details, and Price. 

Tip When adding or changing a service, the techs must reload the data on the mobile device to see newly added or updated Services. 

  1. From the Calendar in the mobile app, tap the menu in the upper-left corner

  2. Tap Settings

  3. Tap Reload Data

  4. Tap Allow or Ok to any messages

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