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Multi-Units for apartments, condos, hotels...
Multi-Units for apartments, condos, hotels...

Process multi-units in the Fieldwork Office app

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over 8 months ago

Multi-Units is available in our Pro plan

Note Anytime you make a change to something in Settings your techs must Reload Data in the Fieldwork Office app to see those changes.

For more information about reloading data, see Mobile app does not show updated information


Fieldwork offers multi-unit processing for your apartment/condo/housing development customers. Unit Types can be used for anything, but its intended use is managing large housing complexes, hotels, motels, student or government housing where you need to service individual flats, apartments, or rooms within one building.

Data gathered for each unit includes: time, status (serviced or not), unit condition, notes, material used, pest activity and signature. Once data is collected for individual units, a unit trend analysis is available for you and your customer through the Customer Portal to better manage pest trends by unit.

Key Points

  • Setting up the unit criteria

  • Setting up the customer units

  • Using the Fieldwork Office app to enter information

  • Analyzing the results when the Work Order is completed 


Before adding units to a location, create the criteria for each of the unit components. These new components are found by clicking the Settings gear icon. The new Units section is on the right, Unit Settings. 

Unit Types
From the Dashboard, click the Settings gear icon, click Unit Types
Click the New Unit Type button
Enter a Unit type name, such as Studio, Basement unit, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom...
Click Create Unit Type
Repeat for other unit types

Unit Conditions
From the Dashboard, click the Settings gear icon, click Unit Conditions
Click the New Unit Condition button
Enter the Unit condition name, such as Properly Prepared, Partially Prepared,
Not Scheduled for Service on this Visit, Yikes!...
Click Create Unit Condition
Repeat for other condition types

Activity Levels
From the Dashboard, click the Settings gear icon, click Activity Levels
Click the New Activity Level button
Enter an Activity Level name, such as Low, Medium, High...
Click Create Activity Level
Repeat for other activity levels

Unit Statuses
From the Dashboard, click the Settings gear icon, click Unit Statuses
Click the New Unit Status button
Enter a Unit status, such as Serviced, No Answer, Declined, No Access...
Click Create Unit Status
Repeat for other condition types


Adding units is similar to adding devices in a customer's device page. Go to the location page of a multi-unit facility.

Create a New... Unit

To add units, on the customer's Location page:
Click Create a New...
Click Unit

Add New Unit

When the Add new unit dialog box appears, enter the information. Only the Unit Number and Unit Type are required. 

Unit Number: This is the number of the unit, such as 1, 101, A101, 3G....
Unit Type: The content for this dropdown comes from Settings/Unit Types
Tenant name: The name of the tenant, if known
Tenant phone 1: The tenant's first contact phone number
Tenant phone 2: The tenant's second contact phone number
Tenant email 1: The tenant's first contact email address
Tenant email 2: The tenant's second contact email address
Notes: Add notes as you would for any other customer/situation

Import Units

Admin users will see an option to [IMPORT UNITS] on the Service Location Page.

To create one or more units at one time, Admin users can click the [IMPORT UNITS] button to upload a CSV file that has the following information:

Cell A1 = Unit Number
Cell B1 = Unit Type
Cell A2 and below: List all Unit Numbers to import in Column A, starting with cell A2
Cell B2 and below: List all Unit Types associated with each Unit Number

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location Page - Units tab

As you populate the location with units the content is added to the Units tab.


Tip If only certain units are to be serviced in a building, let the tech know by creating a Service as "Other" in the Work Order and list the units in the Description. Don't forget to give it a price of $0.00.

The apartments to be serviced appear in the Work Order after tapping Invoice.

If there are more units than can fit on one line, add more "Others" in the Work Order.


To service the units in the Fieldwork Office app, scroll to the bottom of the Work Order and tap Units

Should you discover that you missed adding a unit when setting up the customer's location, tap Add to add a new unit.
Tap View all and the list of units and the dwellers names appears:

Tap a unit entry and the inspection page appears. 


  • Tap the box to the right of Service Time to enter the time

  • Tap Status to input the status as defined in Settings/Unit Statuses

  • Tap Unit Condition to input a condition as defined in Settings/Unit Conditions

  • Tap Notes to add notes, such as who let you in: Tenant, Super, Neighbor or Friend or unusual observances upon entering; odors, lots of pets, lots of pet odors, etc.

From this units section you can add materials applied to individual units, this is no different from the existing Materials Use entry.

You can add pest activity to identify the pests occupying single units. Next to Pest Activity, tap +ADD to add the pest. After the pest is added, tap Activity and select the activity amount as defined in Settings/Activity Levels.

Adding a signature is no different from the existing Signature entry. Tap Save to save the unit service.

In Summary...


After the work is done on the Fieldwork Office app you can analyze and manage the information from the Work Order or the customer's Location page.

Work Order - Units tab

Once a Work Order is complete, look at the Units tab in the Work Order. The list of units here is also similar to how devices are displayed in the Devices tab.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Work Order, Units tab - New Unit Record

Should you discover that you missed adding a unit when setting up the customer's location, you can add a new unit from the Work Order, Units tab. Click the New unit record button. This is similar to adding a new device from the Devices tab.

You can also add a unit in the Fieldwork Office app by tapping Add under the Units tab.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location Page - Units Report button

In the customer's Location page, click Units Report.

Location Page - Units Report

The Units Report page appears for this customer.

The filters on the left are:

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Status: Any, Serviced, Status 1, Status 2

  • Target Pests: Any, and the pests you have listed in Settings/Target Pests

  • Activity Level: Any, and the activities you created in Settings/Activity Levels

  • Unit #: Empty

The graphs at the top are:

  • Service Status

  • Target Pests

The following are the column headers you'll see in this report:








Also watch this video: Multi Unit Overview

And this one:

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