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Settings - Tags

A label attached to customer to group similar customer traits, services or locations

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


A tag is a word you use to group customers together who have similar traits or services. It’s a way to add extra information about a customer in one word. For example, group customers together with specific service treatments, such as fleas, rats, termites, etc. Then zero in on customers with termites, for example, as a group (geographically for scheduling purposes, or as a marketing campaign to schedule renewals).

Key Points

  • Create a Tag to apply to your customers

  • Apply the Tag to your Customers

  • View customers who have a specific Tag

To Create a Tag

  1. Click the Settings gear icon in the upper-right corner

  2. Under Company Setup, click Tags

  3. Click the New Tag button in the upper right

  4. Enter a tag name, such as fleas

  5. Click the Create Tag button 

  6. Repeat this for other service treatments you want to apply to your customers, such as rats, spiders, termites etc. 

To Apply a Tag to a Customer

  1. From the Dashboard, click Customers

  2. Find a customer for whom you want to apply a tag

  3. Click the customer’s name to go to the customer’s billing page

  4. In the right side, under Billing Information, you’ll see Tags

  5. Type the name of the tag you just created

  6. Repeat this for all other customers for whom you want to apply a tag to

To view customers who have a specific Tag applied

  1. From the Dashboard, click Customers

  2. The tags are shown to the left of the customer list

  3. Click a tag to see all the customers whom you've applied that tag to

Note Tags are applied to the customer, not the location.

Tags can be added when making a new customer account in the customer’s billing page.

Tip Tag all your termite customers and create a marketing campaign when the swarm begins. 

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