When a customer has a credit card on file our system uses Stripe to make that payment. Stripe charges 30 cents for each transaction. This can add up for accounts that have multiple invoices each month, especially real estate accounts that might have more than 20 invoices a month. One way to save money is to reduce the number of Stripe transactions.
Key Points
Update the account billing terms to Credit Card On File
Turn off Auto Pay
Pay all outstanding invoices in one bulk payment
To reduce the number of transactions:
Let the customer know that you will charge all of the services in one charge instead of per service
Update the account billing terms to Credit Card On File
Turn off Auto Pay in the customer's billing page
Leave the Invoices unpaid until the end of the month
Create a New Payment in their account and pay all outstanding invoices in one bulk payment
If customers are paying through the online portal, strongly encourage they pay the balance due from the Dashboard page. This will pay all unpaid/overdue invoices with one payment.ย