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Dashboard Sales & Income Widgets - where those numbers come from
Dashboard Sales & Income Widgets - where those numbers come from

Sales are jobs invoiced, Income is money received

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


The Dashboard Sales number comes from what you invoiced for the period minus discounts. This number comes from Reports > Invoices List, Price with Discount column and does not include taxes.

Key Points

  • Income = All money collected in the period (Total payments received)

  • Sales = All completed jobs in the period (Total invoiced)

  • You can't match Work Order reports to Invoice reports

  • Lock down Invoices and Payments before a specific date

Note You can't match Work Order reports such as the Completed Work Orders Detail report or Route Production reports to Invoice/Tax reports because the two will most likely never match up. Should you try to match them up here are some reasons why they won't:

  • Completion dates: Work Order Completion dates and Invoice Dates for the same job may not match - some Work Orders may be completed this month and invoiced the following month

  • Deleted Work Orders/Invoices: Work Orders/Invoices that have been deleted do not appear in their respective reports, if one is deleted and the other is not, the two won't match

  • Invoice created without a Work Order: Sometimes Invoices are created without a Work Order

  • A monthly Work Order series has an annual Invoice, for example. Most likely the Invoice won't be generated until months from now when several Work Orders have already been completed.

  • Mismatched Invoice and Work Order prices: if a price change is made to one, it needs to be made to the other; we find that usually it isn't - for example, a Work Order may have a price of $0.00, but you only update the invoice because that's the one that counts!

The sales number went down from last time I checked

For example, on February 1 you looked at January and sales were $10,000. At the end of July you look at January again and notice it's now $9,850. This will happen when invoices during the January time frame have been:

  • Deleted 

  • Updated in price

  • Updated with a new date outside of that time frame

If you need to 'lock down' your monthly sales, at the end of the last day of each month, use the Lock Date setting in Settings/Invoices. This will lock the editing of Invoices and Payments before the date you set.

Tip Compare Dashboard Sales to Reports > Invoices List


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