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California Monthly Summary Use Report Codes and Rules
California Monthly Summary Use Report Codes and Rules

California Code 10 = Structural Pest Control

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago

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The state of California requires all pest control operators to file a Monthly Summary Use Report. This report must be submitted to your county agricultural commissioner by the 10th of the month following the month in which the work was performed. This report can be found here

Key Points

  • As part of the report you are required to enter the code for the product you used

  • Follow the rules the state requires for your report


As part of the report you are required to enter the code for the product you used. If your work includes any pest control work performed within or on buildings and other structures, the California Code for that material is 10.

Other codes include:
Code 30 - Landscape Maintenance Pest Control
Code 40 - Right-of-Way Pest Control
Code 50 - Public Health Pest Control
Code 80 - Vertebrate Pest Control
Code 91 - Commodity Fumigation (Nonfood/Nonfeed)
Code 100 - Regulatory Pest Control

See the link above for more details on how to apply the right code to the right material.


When you are generating your STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MONTHLY SUMMARY PESTICIDE USE REPORT please be aware of the following rules:

  1. The state field in the service location form must be CA.  Not Ca or ca or null.  The report will only pull records for service locations where the state field is CA

  2. The county field must contain the service location's county name.  Please check for accuracy.  Typos in this field will create additional pages in your report - separating county totals to multiple pages.  (Example:  Los Angeles vs. LosAngeles - in this instance - the lack of spacing between the two words will create a second page in the report)

  3. Unit of Measure.  If the measurement box is not selected on your report, be sure to match your material's reported measurement to one of the values that are stated on the report.  [  ] LB [  ] OU [  ] PT [  ] QT [  ] GA

August 2017
Updated, September 2017

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