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Settings - Pest & Material

All settings listed under Pest & Material in one article

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a year ago

Note Anytime you make a change to something in Settings your techs must Reload Data in the mobile app to see those changes.

For more information about reloading data, see Mobile app does not show updated information


Click the gear icon in the upper right of your ribbon bar to add/remove/update the 'hardware' components of your business. (The gear icon is available to administrators only.)

Key Points

Manage the following from the Pest & Material Settings column:

  • Application Devices

  • Application Methods

  • Conditions

  • Dilution Rates

  • Materials

  • Property Types & Target Areas

  • Recommendations

  • Target Pests


You create a list of materials based on the pests you are targeting and your inventory. For each material you will add details specific to that material for recording and tracking purposes. The information can be found on the material label and is required in some states. The information includes the following:

  • Material name

  • EPA Number

  • California Code (only available for Californian businesses) 

  • Default price for new sales

  • Active Ingredient

  • Active ingredient percent

  • Default dilution rate

  • Default measurement

  • Default application device type

  • Default application method

  • Default target pest

  • SDS Sheet

  • Label

  • Use LabelSDS

  • Show on pre-printed tickets

  • Update WO's Material usage

  • Choose what fields to update

Some products, like Biozyme, are organic by nature and have no EPA number. 

  1. Go to Settings/Materials

  2. To create a material click the New Material button in the upper right

  3. Add the material criteria 

  4. Download and attach the Material Label and SDS, these will be posted in the customer portal

  5. LabelSdS is a service that will keep all your labels and SDS' up to date automatically. You can contact LabelSdS with the link above for more details

  6. When finished, click the green Create Material button

Note If you perform pest control services in California, you need to add the appropriate material code for your Monthly Summary Use Report. For more information about applying the correct code, see our Help Center article: California Monthly Summary Use Report Codes and Rules

Also watch this video.

Target Pests

Target pests are to materials what recommendations are to conditions. You have a material that you’re going to apply to get rid of a pest. If you have Advion Ant Gel as a material, you need to have Ants as a Target Pest. You can be specific and list Ants - Carpenter, Ants - Odorous house, Ants - Pavement, Ants - Pharaoh, Ants - Fire, and so forth.

  1. Go to Settings/Target Pests

  2. To create a pest click the New Pest Type button in the upper right

  3. Add the pest, when finished, click the green Create Pest Type button

Application Methods 

How you are going to apply the material is your application method. Methods include: hand placement, foam, crack & crevice, spot treatment… Look at the material label to find various methods to apply a material.

  1. Go to Settings/Application Methods

  2. To create an application method click the New Application Method button in the upper right

  3. Add the application method, when finished, click the green Create Application Method button

Application Devices 

This is the place to define what you are going to use to apply the material. Devices range from Aerosol Can, Backpack Sprayer, Bait Gun, Hand Placement, to Hand Sprayer, Portable Aerosol System, Snap Traps and so on.

  1. To create an application device click the New Application Device Type button in the upper right

  2. Add the application device, when finished, click the green Create Application Device Type button

Dilution Rates

Accurately applying the right dilution rate to your materials is an important part of your tech's work in the field. Dilution rates can be found on the material labels.

  1. Go to Settings/Dilution Rates

  2. To create a dilution rate click the New Dilution Rate button in the upper right 

  3. Add the dilution rate criteria, when finished, click the green Create Dilution Rate button.

If the product is ready to use the tech will enter NONE

If it is mixed the tech will use the total amount of liquid (water) used in the application of the material. For example, 1 gallon. The system will do the math and calculate the amount of chemical to report.

Important If the tech enters the amount of material used (1.5 fluid ounces) and uses a dilution rate, (1.5 fl oz / 1 Gallon) the resulting amount in the report will be something like: 0.000000019%. This is incorrect. The quantity to enter is the total amount of liquid (water) used in the application.

When creating the dilution rate make it easy for the tech to select it by adding the brand name and mixture rate such as:

  • Talstar PL - measured per 1000 feet

  • Suspend SC 0.06% - 1.5 fl oz / 1 Gallon

  • Onslaught .03%  1/2 oz to 1 gal

For each of these, update the Mixture details from 1 Unit /per 1 Unit to the dilution rate on the product label. For example:

  • Talstar PL  - - the mixture rate is 2.3 Pound(s) /Per 1000.0 Feet

  • Suspend SC 0.06% - - the mixture rate is 1.5 Fluid Ounce(s) /Per 1.0 Gallon

Property Types & Target Areas 

Property types and target areas are specific to the customers you service and define the areas where you will apply the materials you use. Two of the most common property types are Commercial and Residential. Inside the property types are the target areas. For example, you’ll probably have a Loading Dock target area in a Commercial property type and a Bedroom target area in a Residential property type. 

  1. Go to Settings/Property Types & Target Areas

  2. Click the Residential property type to get a feel for the target areas inside

  3. To create a property type click the New Location Type button in the upper right

  4. Add a location type

  5. Add target areas

  6. When finished, click the green Create Location button

  7. Click the location you just created

  8. On the next page add your target areas

Applying the correct property type when creating a customer location is critical to successfully completing the Work Order on the mobile app. 

If you go to a commercial site and the property type in the customer's Location page is accidentally set to residential, you won't be able to accurately apply the correct target areas. You'll probably see bedroom, kitchen, closets... when you should be seeing loading doc, break room, dumpsters, inside plant... 

Compare the Commercial and Residential types below. 

For ideas about adding target areas to certain property types, see our Help Center article: Property Types and Their Target Areas


Conditions are the cause of your recommendation effect. They are observations you pass along to your customer about what you see is wrong (pest-wise) with the location.You’ll want to match up your conditions to your recommendations so there’s a logical flow. For example, if you find a food debris field from the kitchen to the living room sofa, that is your condition. Sweep it up would be the recommendation.

  1. Go to Settings/Conditions

  2. To create a condition click the New Appointment Condition button in the upper right

  3. Add the condition, when finished, click the green Create Appointment Condition button

For more information about entries in Conditions, see our Help Center article: Sample Conditions


Recommendations are what you tell the customer to do based on your observations of their conditions. For example, if you find a food debris field from the kitchen to the living room sofa, you might want to tell the customer to sweep or vacuum daily. 

  1. Go to Settings/Recommendations

  2. To create a recommendation click the New Recommendation button in the upper right

  3. Add the recommendation, when finished, click the green Create Recommendation button

For more information about entries in Recommendations, see our Help Center article: Sample Recommendations

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