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Mobile app - Photos
Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago

Photos are available in our Startup, Business and Pro plans.


Add photos to the Work Order to capture Evidences, Violations, and Conditions. These should be followed-up with your Recommendations.

Key Points

  • Allow Fieldwork to access your camera or photo collection

  • Take pictures of evidences, violations, and conditions

  • Enter notes about each photo

  • Photos can be included in the Work Order PDF sent to the customer

Allow Fieldwork to access your camera or photo collection

Tap OK.

To the right of Photos tap + Add

The first time you use the camera in Fieldwork, a message appears, Fieldwork would like to access the camera. Tap Allow.*

You now have a choice to attach photos From Camera or Existing photo. If you tap Existing photo, you’ll be asked for access to the photo library where you can select the photos to attach. 

For this example, tap From Camera. Take a picture of what you want your customer to see. 

You can either use this photo or retake it. If you retake it, tap the shutter button again. When you use this photo enter notes about it (up to 300 characters). It’s a good idea to add notes because you may forget the significance of a detail in the photo. 

Tap Save. Tap + Add to add more photos. In iOS you can add up to 12 photos per Work Order, in Android you can add up to 10 photos per Work Order.

*If you tap Don't Allow you won't be able to scan devices, and no message appears that will tell you that. To allow Fieldwork to use your camera follow these steps:

In iOS

  1. Tap Settings

  2. Scroll to bottom

  3. Tap Fieldwork

  4. Move the photo slider to the right

  5. Move the camera slider to the right 

In Android

  1. Tap Settings

  2. Tap App

  3. Tap Fieldwork 

  4. Tap Permissions 

  5. Tap Activate camera

Photos can be included in the Work Order PDF

Notes for each photo appear underneath the photo.

Continue on to: Mobile app - Devices

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