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Exports: User Defined Lists

Customize your voter lists using the User Defined List export style.

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over 11 months ago

A voter list may be exported as a spreadsheet using specific fields selected from the User Defined List style. Field value selections include all voter fields from other export list styles, and state-specific field values such as Custom Districts and Custom Fields can be selected. The User Defined List style also supports adding Tag Fields as new columns into the export file.

Step 1: Set up the Voter List

Use the Basic Counts or Advanced Counts data tools to filter records for targeting specific voters for your contact projects. Preview your count results and select Export Count or Export File to advance to the Counts Export page.

Step 2: Customize and Save the User Defined List

Choose the User Defined List option from the List Style section and select one or many field values from the Fields Included column. Previously saved User Lists may be selected from the Select User List dropdown menu. Click on the Save User List link to name and retain your list selections for a new user session.

About Mandatory Fields

Voter identification fields for Voter Key, Household Record ID (HHRECID), Household Member ID (HH Member), and Household Member Code (HH Code) will automatically get included in any User Defined List for export processing.

About Custom Districts and Custom Fields

Custom Districts and Custom Fields are unique values for a state database, and these field values can only be added into a User Defined List export file.

  • Custom Districts: districts or other political geography that are not provided in general voter data, including County Council, City Council, School Board, and other state-specific districts.

  • Custom Fields: specialized data fields assigned to all voter records.

Using Phone Numbers

Phone Number columns include the Primary phone number by phone type as well as separate columns Telephone Reliability Code (TRC) and Do Not Call (DNC).

  • Primary Phone: the most recently added singular mobile or landline number that has the highest phone reliability.

  • Primary Mobile: the most recent mobile phone with the highest phone reliability.

  • Primary Landline: the most recent landline phone with the highest phone reliability.

Adding Tag Fields

One or many Tag Fields may be appended in new columns, where an X flags a voter assigned to the tag.

Adding Vote History

Select one or more elections to append vote status to your voter list. Each selected election will be added as a separate column using the Election Code value. For example, the 2022 General vote status will be listed in your export as VH22G.

Step 3: Choose Household and Sort Options

Select the options for grouping your records by household or to use individual voters. Your voter list may be sorted by Voter Name, Precinct, Zip Code, Neighborhood, and Registered Address. The Odd/Even Order option sorts voter records by odd and even house number, to allow door contacts on one side of the street and then the other side.

Using Household Name Format

When selecting any Household option except Individual Voters, the export file's first column will contain a salutation to be used for addressing mailers or contacts.

Using the Random Sample

Select Random and add a sample size number to add randomly selected records for your list. Please note that your assigned Export Limit is not applied to your sample size and is affected by the overall individual record count.

Step 4: Export and Download the File

Name your file if needed and choose the appropriate export file format:

  • CSV: Comma-separated values text file. CSV files have no row or column limit, and they can be opened into a spreadsheet application or imported into a database table.

  • XLSX: file format for Microsoft Excel 2007 and later.

  • XLS: original file format for Microsoft Excel, with a worksheet limit of 65,536 rows.

  • MDB: database file format for Microsoft Access.

Note: Export requests containing a large number of columns for Tag Fields and Vote History may return an error for processing into Excel-format files.

Select Export Data Now to submit your request to the Export Queue. Go to My Data > My Exports to view progress and to download or share your exported file when completed.

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