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How To Verify Social Media Ads

Instructions for submitting Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter ad verifications

Publisher Support avatar
Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a week ago

To verify a social media ad, please wait 2-3 days after* the ad run date to submit the metrics. This gives the post several days to gather impressions and engagements (views, likes & clicks). The more engagement the post gets, the more impressed national buyers will be (and that keeps more money flowing to student media!).

*Remember that if an ad is not verified within 3 business days of the run date, it puts your ad payment at risk. Read more about our verification policy.

To submit a social media verification:

  1. Find the ad that is missing the verification.

  2. Primary verification: Submit a screenshot of the full social post that includes your publication's name, the date and time it was posted. It is not necessary to capture metrics in this screenshot. Note: all verifications must be in .jpg or .png format

    Ancillary Verification Materials: Upload any additional verification screenshots you would like to include (i.e. metrics, additional screenshots).

    Note: this is not required

  3. Enter applicable metrics into designated fields. Do not leave any fields blank. Each one must include a numerical value. (Ex: If the post has no comments, enter the number 0)

Posts have to stay up on your social media handles for at least one month for the payment to be guaranteed.

Read how to find social post analytics for more information on finding analytics within Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.





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