This page will give you a quick orientation to getting around your flytedesk account.
Activity Dashboard
Your Dashboard is the first place you land when you log into your Flytedesk account. Your Dashboard provides a glance at your account's pending actions & activity. Think of it as your flytedesk to-do list!
Pending Actions
The top of your dashboard shows the number of pending actions you have for Flytedesk National ads, Ad Shop ads, and the total combined.
Click on a pending action to access the corresponding page where you can complete the necessary tasks. Your dashboard will alert you if any of the following require your attention:
New national ads need approval.
All approved national ads will then be generated on the insertion order. No action is needed on the insertion order.
Creative elements (artwork, post text, etc.) await your approval.
Ads need verification (not mandatory for Ad Shop but required for national).
Flytedesk National Ads
At the bottom of your dashboard, you'll find a breakdown of pending tasks for each Flytedesk National ad associated with your account.
Each card displays the ad's date, ID, buyer, product, and cost. Click on an action within a card to navigate to the relevant task for that particular ad.
Settings Page
Navigate to your account settings from the top right menu. Manage your billing address, contact info, password, and team members from Settings.
Sidebar Menu
Navigate anywhere in your account with the sidebar menu. Click around and explore all of these pages!
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