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Navigating the user homepage

This guide will breakdown the homepage so you can understand what is available to you on your main Gable Dashboard

Kelley Pembroke avatar
Written by Kelley Pembroke
Updated over a month ago

There are two ways to get to your main homepage.

Once you log into via SSO or with a password, you will be brought to this page:

On the left hand-side you can see all of your upcoming bookings

You can add bookings to your calendar or cancel bookings by selecting the three dots.

You can also re-book previously booked spaces, by selecting the "+".

On the right hand-side you can view all of your colleagues current and upcoming bookings based on the day of the week. The list of colleagues will be filtered based on those you have gathered with the most frequently

Simply select their "Avatar" and click on the day of the week and you can view or join the colleague's booking.

You can also see "Recently Booked" workspaces booked by teammates/ colleagues

Remember, you can view all teammates on a map by navigating to "Team View" at the top of the page.

If your company has purchased the "Events" feature, you will be able to view internal Events that are happening at the company headquarters

Finally, Gable will curate workspaces for you based on your booking history

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