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Budget Tracking

In this article we will cover how you can keep track of your company's workspace spend directly through Gable.

Written by Lydia Lewis
Updated over a week ago

What Does This Help Article Cover?

  • In this article we will cover how you can keep track of your company's workspace spend directly through Gable.

Budget Tracking

  • From the admin dashboard, after selecting the top active department tile you are presented with a view of budget spend. By default, you’ll start on a budget breakdown per department but you can also toggle between tabs that show both a user and location based budget overview.

Top Active Departments: Budget Tracking

For a look at budget spend, you can select top active departments:

  • You will see a breakdown by meeting room and common space but this time, by total spend instead of booking volume.

  • Along the top, you’ll see trends of total bookings, meeting rooms, and common space since the previous month as well as the option to adjust the month in question along the right hand side. Additionally, you can find a breakdown of spend per month by seat type in the graph below.

By User: Budget Tracking

  • On the user tab you will find a common space and meeting room breakdown as well as trends, and a monthly usage graph. You can search by name or email and see your user's department, total spend for the month, and total bookings for the month.

  • Finally, on the location tab you can see a similar breakdown as the department tab, except this time by city instead of department. You'll find the same trends and graph above and be able to search by city below.

Company Bookings Page

  • For the most in depth view of your company's budget spend, you'll find a CSV download option on the far right side of the Company Booking's page.

Still Have Questions?

  • Please reach out to if you have any questions about this article and the contents it contains!

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