To become a host on Gable, simply begin by creating your host account. You can do this by heading to the Gable home page and locating the "Become a host" link in the top right corner, or by clicking here.
You will be prompted to input basic information about yourself and your space.
Pro Tip: We recommend creating the account with a generic email like that all employees at the space can use to log in. This makes approving requests easier as multiple people can assist with actioning.
From there you’ll be prompted to add the remaining details of your host profile. Fill out the fields and enjoy Gable as a Host! We recommend using your space name and phone number rather than your personal details to keep the profile specific to your location instead of you as an individual.
Once you click, "Next", you will begin the process for adding your spaces on the Gable platform. Simply follow the prompts to get listed.
Here is a quick tutorial video on this process as well:
Enjoy Gable and welcome to the Gable Host Network!
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