Individual Waiver Process > Adult
After selecting the INDIVIDUAL image, the guest will be asked to enter their date of birth. They will use the drop downs provided to select the month, day and year of birth. Once the selections are made the guest will be able to click the CONTINUE button to proceed.
Before the guest can begin filling in their information, they will need to acknowledge the pop-up prompt that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
The guest will now enter their contact information and address (if address is being collected as part of your waiver). Once the guest starts to type their address in the ADDRESS field a list of matching results will appear. The guest can continue to type their address to further filter the results before selecting the correct address, which will populate the remaining address fields.
If there are any additional questions attached to the waiver (e.g., rental questions, emergency contact, etc.) the guest will complete these next while still on the same screen. As part of the waiver setup process you can decide whether these questions will be mandatory.
Once all required fields have been completed the guest will be able to select the green CONTINUE button at the bottom of the screen to proceed to the next screen.
If you have photo-taking enabled with the waiver then the next screen will prompt the guest to upload a photo.
Once the photo has been added (if applicable), the guest will now go through each screen from the waiver they selected.
If there is any action involved on the page - initial or signature - there will be a grey box for the guest to add their initial/signature. The initial/signature must be added before the CONTINUE button will become available and allow the guest to proceed to the next screen of the waiver.
If user wishes to re-do their initial/signature they can select the CLEAR & SIGN AGAIN button.
The back arrow located in the top left-hand corner of each waiver screen allows the user to go back to a previous screen. It will retain all initials/signatures unless the user goes all the way back to the first screen where they add their contact/address information (this functionality applies to the family waiver process as well).
On the last screen for the waiver, the guest will provide their signature in order to submit the waiver. The green button will either say NEXT WAIVER if there is another waiver to be completed (guest will then go through all the screens for the next waiver) or FINISH if there are no further waivers to be completed.
After choosing FINISH (or completing all waivers), the guest will receive the waiver wrap up screen confirming their submission before the waivers application redirects back to the main waiver selection screen.
Individual Waiver Process > Minor
The individual waiver process for a minor is very similar to the process for an adult. The only difference is a guardian will need to be added to it. You will decide what is the age of majority for your location as part of the waiver setup process.
After selecting the INDIVIDUAL image, the guest will be asked to enter their date of birth. The date of birth chosen will trigger a notification that they are a minor and will require a guardian to complete the waiver form. If the minor chooses CANCEL they will not be able to proceed. Choosing OKAY will them to proceed.
Before the guardian can begin filling in their information, they will need to acknowledge the pop-up prompt that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
The guardian will now enter their contact information and address (if address is being collected as part of your waiver). Once the guardian starts to type their address in the ADDRESS field a list of matching results will appear. The guardian can continue to type their address to further filter the results before selecting the correct address, which will populate the remaining address fields.
In the section below the guardian fields, the participant’s information will be added. By default, the PHONE NUMBER fields will pre-populate with the guardian’s phone number. It can be modified if needed. Email address is not collected for minors. If address is being collected, by default it will be set to the same address as the guardian. If the address should be different from the guardian’s the participant will toggle “Same Address as Guardian” to OFF and proceed to enter their address information.
If there are any additional questions attached to the waiver (e.g., rental questions, emergency contact, etc.) the participant will complete these next while still on the same screen. As part of the waiver setup process you can decide whether these questions will be mandatory.
Once all required fields have been completed the participant will be able to select the green CONTINUE button at the bottom of the screen to proceed to the next screen.
If you have photo-taking enabled with the waiver then the next screen will prompt the guest to upload a photo.
Once the photo has been added (if applicable), the participant will now go through each screen from the waiver they selected, which mimics the same process as the individual waiver for adults described on the previous pages.
On the last screen for the waiver, the participant and guardian must provide their signatures in order to submit the waiver. The green button will either say NEXT WAIVER if there is another waiver to be completed (participant will then go through all the screens for the next waiver) or FINISH if there are no further waivers to be completed.
After choosing FINISH, the participant will receive the waiver wrap up screen confirming their submission before the waivers application redirects back to the main waiver selection screen.
Family Waiver Process > No Minors
As mentioned previously, in order to use the family waiver, all guests must live at the same address (if address is being collected on the waiver). If not, each guest must fill out an individual waiver.
Selecting the FAMILY image will trigger the below notification to ensure the participants meet the criteria for the family waiver process. Choosing OKAY will allow you to continue.
Next, the guest will need to acknowledge the pop-up prompt that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
On the next screen, the guest will be asked to confirm if there are any minors who will be part of the waiver(s). For family waivers with no minors, participants will choose NO.
The first participant will add their date of birth and contact information. If address is also being collected it will be added here and used for all participants. If there are any additional questions attached to the waiver (e.g., rental questions, emergency contact, etc.) the participant will complete these next while still on the same screen. As part of the waiver setup process you can decide whether these questions will be mandatory.
Once the first participant has completed all required fields, they will be able to click the ADD FAMILY MEMBER button. The next participant will then proceed to add their date of birth, name, email address and phone number (by default, the first participant’s phone number will be used, but this can be modified). The participant will then complete any additional questions attached to the waiver.
As each participant is added, the previous participant’s form will be collapsed by default. It can be expanded at any time by clicking on the arrow to the left of the participant’s name. If you need to remove a participant for any reason, select the trash icon at the far right of the participant’s banner. Only the first participant added cannot be removed.
Once the second participant has added in all their required information, they can choose to click the ADD FAMILY MEMBER button to add another family member or click the CONTINUE button to proceed to the waiver. The CONTINUE button should only be selected once all family members have been added.
If you have photo-taking enabled with the waiver then the next screen will prompt each guest to upload a photo.
Once all photos have been added (if applicable), each participant will go through and complete their waiver, starting with the first participant who was added.
The name of the participant and the waiver they are completing will appear in a grey banner at the top of each screen.
If there is any action involved on the page - initial or signature - there will be a grey box for the participant to add their initial/signature. The initial/signature must be added before the CONTINUE button will become available and allow the participant to proceed to the next screen of the waiver.
If the participant wishes to re-do their initial/signature they can select the CLEAR & SIGN AGAIN button.
On the last screen for the waiver, the first participant must provide their signature in order to submit the waiver. The green button will either say NEXT WAIVER if there is another waiver to be completed (the same participant will then go through all the screens for the next waiver) or NEXT PARTICIPANT’S WAIVER for the next participant to go through and complete their waiver(s).
Once the final participant has completed their waiver(s), the green button on the last screen will say FINISH. Once their signature has been added, the last participant will choose FINISH and receive the waiver wrap up screen before the waivers application redirects back to the main waiver selection screen.
Family Waiver Process > With Minors
As mentioned previously, in order to use the family waiver, all guests must live at the same address (if your waiver collects this information). If not, each guest must fill out an individual waiver. For family waivers with minors, a guardian must be present throughout the waiver process.
Selecting the FAMILY image will trigger the below notification to ensure the participants meet the criteria for the family waiver process. Choosing OKAY will allow you to proceed.
Next, the guest will need to acknowledge the pop-up prompt that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
On the next screen, the guest will be asked to confirm if there are any minors who will be part of the waiver(s). For family waivers with minors, participants will choose YES.
Choosing YES will trigger a banner to appear, indicating that the first participant added will be recognized as the guardian for any minor’s and will be required to sign their waiver.
The guardian will add their date of birth and contact information. If address is also being collected it will be added here and used for all participants.
In some instances, a family waiver may be filled out where the guardian is not participating in the activities described in the waiver (e.g., completing a waiver for a children’s summer camp). The guardian will see the below question toggled to OFF by default. If left as OFF, the guardian will not fill out a waiver and will only sign for any minors. If toggled to ON, the guardian will also be required to fill out a waiver in addition to signing for any minors.
If “I will be participating in any of the activities described in this waiver” is toggled to ON and there are additional questions attached to the waiver (e.g., rental questions, emergency contact, etc.) the guardian will complete these next while still on the same screen.
Once the guardian has added in all the required information, they will be able to click the ADD FAMILY MEMBER button. The next participant will then proceed to add their date of birth first in order to validate whether they are an adult or a minor. After date of birth fields have been selected, the participant will enter their name, phone number (by default, the guardian’s phone number will be used, but this can be modified) and email address (if participant is an adult).
The participant will then complete any additional questions attached to the waiver.
Once the second participant has added in all their required information, they can choose to click the ADD FAMILY MEMBER button to add another family member or click the CONTINUE button to proceed to the waiver. The CONTINUE button should only be selected once all family members have been added.
If you have photo-taking enabled with the waiver then the next screen will prompt each guest to upload a photo. If the guardian is not participating, they will not be required to add a photo.
Each participant will now go through the waiver, starting with the first participant who was added. In some cases, this will be the guardian if the question “I will be participating in any of the activities described in this waiver” was toggled to ON. If “I will be participating in any of the activities described in this waiver” was left as toggled to OFF, then the participant added directly after the guardian will start the waiver process.
The name of the participant and the waiver they are completing will appear in a grey banner at the top of each screen.
If there is any action involved on the page - initial or signature - there will be a grey box for the participant to add their initial/signature. The initial/signature must be added before the CONTINUE button will become available and allow the participant to proceed to the next screen of the waiver.
If the participant wishes to re-do their initial/signature they can select the CLEAR & SIGN AGAIN button.
On the last screen for the waiver, the participant must provide their signature. The green button will either say NEXT WAIVER if there is another waiver to be completed (the same participant will then go through all the screens for the next waiver) or NEXT PARTICIPANT’S WAIVER for the next participant to go through and complete their waiver(s).
On the final signature screen for any minors, the guardian will be required to add their signature.
Once the final participant has completed their waiver(s), the green button on the last screen will say FINISH. Once their signature has been added, the last participant will choose FINISH and receive the waiver wrap up screen before the waivers application redirects back to the main waiver selection screen.