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Waiver Stations

Create Waiver Stations and URL's for Waivers

Matt Doiron avatar
Written by Matt Doiron
Updated over a year ago

Waiver Stations

Think of waiver stations as the ‘waiver parent’. You can have 1 or multiple waivers linked to a single station. When a customer accesses the waiver – either through a URL or a pre-configured tablet at the resort property – they land on the waiver selection screen. From there they select the specific waiver(s) to complete. If a waiver is unassociated with a station, it will be inaccessible to customers.

  1. To set up a new waiver station choose Waivers > Manage Stations ( from the side navigation and select the blue ‘New Station’ button at the top right of the webpage.

  2. The first section for the ‘Name’ should indicate the types of waivers included for that station, such as ‘Summer Activities Waiver Station’.

  3. The ‘Custom Welcome Text’ is what will appear on the waiver selection page, which is the first page the customer will land on.

  4. The ‘Custom Complete Text’ is what will appear after a customer has completed a waiver successfully and before it auto-navigates them back to the waiver selection page. This can be anything from a generic ‘thank you’ message to a call to action on what the guest should do next.

  5. The ‘Description’ input field is where you can add helpful notes to regarding the waiver station or waivers attached to it.

  6. Checking the ‘Collect participants address information?’ box will require the guest to also fill in their residential address.

  7. Checking ‘Take photo of participants?’ will require the guest to add a photo to their waiver. It will also provide you with some additional fields to fill in/modify:

    • The pixel width and height can be adjusted or left at the default recommended size. Guests will have the opportunity to crop their uploaded photo.

    • The ‘Title’ is what you can use to provide a headline for photo guidelines.

    • The ‘Add Caption’ button can be clicked to add individual guidelines for the photo.

  8. ‘Device Id’ is generally a short descriptor of the type of waivers to be included within this waiver station. This is for internal use.

  9. ‘Auth key’ is the key that is used to access the waiver station (and the waivers within it). It is part of the waiver URL along with your location code. You will want to click the ‘Generate’ button to generate an auth key when setting up a new waiver station. Once you have your auth key this is how your waiver URL would look:

    IMPORTANT: Your location code will be the same code you use to login to the EDGEauditor app and manager dashboard. For example, for a ski resort with location code ‘snowy’ and auth key of ‘g521w1’ it would be

  10. ‘Packages’ will be part of a future feature enhancement and can be disregarded at this time.

  11. Finally, under the ‘Waivers’ section you will see a list of waivers set up for your location. You will want to select those that should be accessed from within this waiver station.

  12. Click the Save button to finalize your waiver station.

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