Access to New Purchase Items is available to:
Plans: Pro, Team and Scale
Team Members: Account Owner and Managers
If you are a Pro, Team or Scale user, you will see the Purchase Items table on the owner's account home page. Owners and Managers are able to access this table. Editors of an organization do NOT have access to view and/or update items in the Purchase Items section.
The Purchase Items Table allows you to see the items you've purchased that need further defining or approval.
Purchase Items will appear in this table when:
You have Imported ingredient costs using a spreadsheet, or
Purchase data coming from an integration, or
Data from your scanned invoices have been pushed to your meez account (See: Invoice Processing)
Note: Only purchase items that need further defining or approval will appear in the purchase items table. As these items are resolved, they will disappear from the page.
What do I do with Purchase Items?
Items in the purchase item table need further definition or approval in order to appear accurately in recipes and to generate accurate recipe costs. You can sort, search, and/or filter items in the Purchase Item Table.
There are three pieces of information that may need further definition or approval.
1) Define Ingredient Name
Some Purchase Items may need to be matched to a meez ingredient.
Simply click the highlighted area and select the ingredient as you'd like it to appear in a recipe. Don't see one that works for you? You can also create a new ingredient.
2) Define Unit of Measure
Certain pack sizes will need to be further defined in meez. Some common examples include:
Containers (jar, tub, each) should be defined by weight or volume, unless you are using the item by the each. For instance: jar=32oz.
Cases: many invoices will refer to an item pack size simply as a "case." To get accurate costing, you will want to define this further. For instance: case=8lb.
How to Define Unit of Measure:
While on the Purchase Item Table, click the highlighted Purchase UofM field
Select from the drop down options, or click "Add a New Item-Size"
When adding a new Item-Size for Unit, simply enter the quantity and the unit. For the example below, the quantity will be ".5", and the unit will be "Pint".
3) Approve Cost
meez will automatically flag any sizable increases or decreases in the cost of an item. Sometimes this is a result of a change in pack size. If the cost is highlighted red, simply click the cost, and either approve the change in cost, or correct the pack size.
Need a little more help to know the different parts of the New Purchase Items table? Take a look at our Walkthrough.
Delete & Delete Forever
You may encounter items in your Purchase Table that you don't want or need in your meez account (think cleaning supplies, paper goods, service charges...basically anything not related a recipe.)
You can either "Delete" the item which will remove the item but it will reappear the next time the item is imported. Or you can select "Delete and don't import again". Selecting "Delete and don't import again" will remove the item and block it from future imports.
This can be done in one of two ways.
Select the item using the checkbox to the right of the ingredient. This will allow you to select multiple items, and "Delete" or "Delete and don't import again" in batches.
Click the More button to the far right of the ingredient, and choose your action.