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Browse all the currently available integrations

Updated over a week ago

Looking for your Purchasing Dashboard? If you have the Invoice Processing enabled, you can login to your Purchasing Dashboard from here.

Purchase data integrations

All integrations are available to customers on the Scale subscription plan. Integrations marked as "add ons" are available at an additional cost.

Connect your back-office system to pull purchases into meez. Purchase data will be linked to your meez ingredients and used for recipe and menu cost calculations. To request an integration click here or on the company logo below.

If you are using any other back-office tool, consider using our Invoice Processing service. Our team can take any invoice in any form and import it to your account. For more information, reach out to

Recipe data integrations

Recipe data integrations are available as a paid add-on to customers on the Scale subscription plan.

Push your meez recipes to other tools. To request an integration click here or on the company logo below.

Didn't find what you're looking for? Suggest a new integration. If enough people request it - we will build it.

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