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Tagging to identify a Profile

Changing your client's Profile Type, Profile Status, Profile Source & Adviser Originator

Angel Chessum avatar
Written by Angel Chessum
Updated over a year ago

Learn how to use the identifying tags at the top of your client's profile to mark important information about the profile for yourself and other team members!

This is especially helpful for when multiple people in your business will be looking after a client or when you pass a client across different teams. This is also important for keeping your client files accurate on the software! 👍

When you open a client's Profile, the first things you will notice at the top are these blue tags. These are the tags that we will discuss in this article:

If you are looking for Custom Profile Tagging where you can set up your own customized tags, here is where to go:

In this article you will learn:

  • Profile Types - Personal or Business

  • Profiles Status - This marks the relationship of profile to your business

  • Profile Source - Where this profile was sourced from

  • Adviser Orginator - Who was the original adviser to work with these clients

  • How to report on these tags

Profile Type

There are 2 types of Profiles in Trail; Personal or Business. These two types of profiles operate differently.

You will mainly be working on a Personal profile for clients when you go through an advice opportunity, as this is what Trail currently is set up for.

We currently do not have Business-type advice opportunities built in, therefore you may encounter issues trying to work within an Advice Opportunity on a Business Type profile. However, you can still open Opportunities to track them in the pipeline!

The Profile Type is determined upon creation - whenever you are creating a new Profile for a "Person/ Contact", or new Opportunity "As part of a personal situation" - it will be Personal. If you create a new Profile for a New Company or

Profile Status

Profile statuses allow you to view what relationship the Profile has to your business. You may choose to change this status at any time. The best practise is to choose the one that most accurately represents the people in the profile.

Since not all people you deal with on a day-to-day basis will be your clients, Trail has this list of statuses so that you can save the people's details while making it clear that this is not a client.

Profile statuses are found underneath the Profile name, and can be chosen from the following:

Prospect - A Profile with the status ‘Prospect’ will represent an opportunity for an adviser to provide services to a client and sell further products. When you create a NEW profile, this is the automatic tag that comes with it.

Existing Client - A Profile with the status ‘Existing Client’ represents someone who you already have as a client and are actively servicing. Once you WIN an Opportunity for the first time, the Profile tag will automatically change to "Existing Client" as it recognizes that you've completed at least one deal for the client.

Previous Client - A Profile with the type ‘Previous Client’ represents a client you’ve worked with in the past, but don’t currently actively manage products for. They may be a client of yours again in the future.

Referral Partner - A Profile with the type ‘Referral Partner’ represents Referral Partners and is used as a way to view all communication between an adviser and a key referrer. Profiles with the type ‘Referral Partner’ generate a unique referral link, which can be used to sign new clients up and auto-tag them to that referrer.

Product Provider - A Product Provider Profile type represents an adviser’s product providers and communication with the staff at those specific places, i.e. insurance companies, or banks.

As well as these options, you can choose Unsubscribed, Not a Client or Unspecified.

Profile Source

This is an optional tag used to identify where this Profile was sourced from - whether it is from marketing, from general mailouts or add your own custom sources of where your clients are generated from.

Trail has some default Profile Sources to choose from, but it may not be suitable for your business. The place to edit the list in the dropdown, is to go to your Settings - Profile Sources & Tags - and here you can Add or Edit your Profile Sources list:

Note: You will need Organisation Admin permissions turned on to be able to edit this setting.

Adviser Originator

Though another adviser may be the current 'owner' of a Profile, the client may have come from the efforts of another adviser in your business.

The Adviser Originator tag is another optional tag is used to identify who was the original adviser in your team that generated this lead. This is especially important if your business works on commission, and can be helpful for large teams of advisers.

You may also use this tag to mark whether a profile belong(ed) to an adviser that has left your business (you can do a bulk action to assign that adviser as the Adviser Originator before you request to close their Trail account).

How to Report on these Tags

Using the Advanced Filter, you will be able to report on these identifying tags about the Profile. Here is the basic information to know about Advanced Filtering in Trail:

Have a quick read of the above and here are some specific examples:

Example 1: You want to report on all Profiles where the Profile Source is "Marketing".

To do this when creating an advanced filter, use the Profile - Profile Source - Is - <your list of options>. You can then specify which Profile Source you are looking for, which is "Marketing".

Example 2: You want to report on all Profiles where Profile Source is "Mailout" and Profile Status is "Existing Client" and it is a "Personal" Profile.

This report may be for understanding how many existing clients you have worked with (having given advice for least 1 personal loan for), were clients who have been generated from a mailout.

To do this, you will need to add a few more parametres to narrow down your search. These will all begin with the "Profile" as the first field, and the next field will correspond with the 3 areas we want in our search:

  • Profile - Profile Source - Is - Mailout

  • Profile - Profile Status - Is - Existing Client

  • Profile - Profile Type - Is - Personal

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