Completing a Policy Review

Reviewing your client's current insurance

Chuck Slogrove avatar
Written by Chuck Slogrove
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: To watch a training video explaining how Quickforms work, click here.

When your client's policy anniversary date is approaching, your client may need to re-evaluate their current insurance policies. To do this, an insurance servicing Opportunity needs to be created. Once this has been done, sending the client a Quickform is an easy way to receive information about any important changes to their statement of position and medical information, which could affect their current insurance policy.

Sending a Quickform

1. Go to the client's Profile

2. Open the application overview sidebar by clicking on the Opportunity tile

4. Edit the email if need be, and send it to the client

If you have set up your default email templates in your settings they will pull through to this email.

The client will then fill in the Quickform, which asks a few questions about any changes in their personal situation over the past year.

You will be notified when a client has sent in their Quickform, so you can see what changes have occurred. Any changes the client has indicated will automatically be updated in their statement of position.

From here, you can discuss with the client how to move forward in their best interests, and update their insurance if need be.

Completing a policy review

Once you have updated your client's insurance policy, you need to update this information and complete the Opportunity. To do this:

1. Go onto the client's Profile and open the application overview sidebar

2. Click the 3 dots to the right of the 'Close' button on the sidebar and select 'Complete'

An Opportunity can also be completed on the Pipeline, by dragging the Opportunity tile to the 'Complete' button at the bottom of the screen.

3. Double check the new details and then click 'Win Opportunity'

This will remove the servicing Opportunity from the Pipeline and set another automation for the next policy review date.

Once the Opportunity has been won, it will update the client's Profile and Statement of Position, as well as setting up a policy review for the specified date.

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