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Your Insurance Settings

Customising your insurance process to streamline your business

Chuck Slogrove avatar
Written by Chuck Slogrove
Updated over a week ago

There are a variety of ways that different insurance advice businesses work. At Trail, we understand that you will have a need for customization when it comes to how your insurance business does:

  • Information Gathering

  • Cover Level Calculations

  • Insurance SOA templating and Provider research

In this article you will learn:

  • An overview of your Insurance Settings Page

  • Where to access this

  • What areas you can customize and tweak

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to have Organisation Admin permissions for you to access these types of settings in Trail.

Where to Access Insurance Settings

  • Go to your Settings

  • Under 'Organisation Settings' there will be a page for Insurance Settings

Note that you will need access to the insurance side of Trail in order to see this page.
If you don't have this kind of access and do give insurance advice, please contact

An Overview & What You Can Customize

There are three parts to the insurance settings:

1.) Information gathering

This is where you can tweak what your client sees as they go through an online Insurance Fact Find. This includes:

  • Introduction: Customize the first cover page/ blurb of information of your client's online Fact Find.

  • The Scope of Advice (insurance cover areas) that you can give advice on: You can also tweak whether your client can exclude (or have to include) cover areas, and add any further advice services they can select interest in and partner services you work with.

  • Needs Analysis: Prioritize essential scenarios, and add your own custom scenarios here.
    ​Note that the default Trail scenarios will be linked to cover level calculations, while any custom scenarios you create will not be part of Trail's cover calculations.

  • Declaration: Towards the end of the Insurance Fact Find, you can customize the wording here on your obligations, confidentiality of information and acknowledgements.

To read more about these settings, click here.

2.) Cover level calculations

This is where you can check how Trail generates Cover Level calculations/ recommended cover amounts and also you can do some degree of customization here. This includes:

  • General: Estimated pricing/ premiums for your recommended cover, default payment frequency and whether to add expected interest on savings.

  • All other cover areas:
    You can click on the tiles to check what Needs Analysis Scenario, when checked, will lead to what Trail does as a cover level calculation.
    You can also ADD your own cover areas with a title and description, which will have some options of calculation. If you do this, it will show in the Recommended Cover as you're refining the cover.

To learn more about your cover level settings, click here.

3.) Statement of Advice

This is where you can edit your SOA Templates and some default reasonings for frequently recommended Providers.

  • SOA Templates: Add, edit, remove and manage your SOA templates here. These templates can then be applied as you're editing particular SOAs within an Insurance Advice Opportunity.

  • Provider Research: Add some generic reasonings to support providers that you would recommend to your clients and upload their set of updated provider documents (PDFs). These provider documents you can then opt to include as part of your SOA if you recommend this provider - and also select the relevant provider documents to include for that client within that Insurance Opportunity.

To understand how to use the Statement of Advice settings, read this article.

What next?

Learn more about how to use Trail for Insurance πŸš€

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