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Glossary of Terms

Common terms you will find inside of Giftbit and what they mean

Sofia Baltasar avatar
Written by Sofia Baltasar
Updated over 6 months ago

Giftbit Account and Security

2FA: 2 Factor Authentication or Multi-Factor Authentication, adds an extra layer of security to your account, requiring a code by SMS or ToTP to log in.

Username: Email associated with your Giftbit account.


Credits: Represents the values you send to contacts. Can be CAD, USD, EUR, GBP or other currencies based on the available Giftbit Regions.

Creating and Sending Rewards

CSV File: Comma-Separated Value File is used when you are uploading contacts to Giftbit, the following article provides additional tips

Giftbit Link: Web links that are emailed in a CSV file to send to the recipients in your preferred delivery method.

Template: This provides the format for how your reward offers will be sent and look to the recipients. Includes email subject, message body, reward choices, value and expiry date.

Rewards and Statuses

Cancelled: Offer was cancelled prior to the reward being claimed. This offer is no longer valid and cannot be used again.

Claim: To select a reward and have the gift card information revealed.
Claim Before Date: The date you have to claim the reward before it will no longer be able to be claimed (only for Promotional Rewards).

Claim Period: Amount of days from when a reward is sent that the reward has to be claimed by. This is set up in templates (only for Promotional Rewards)

Claimed: Recipient has claimed the reward

Complaint: Recipient has marked the emails as spam, Giftbit is not able to send an email to this recipient again

Expired: Recipient did not claim the offer by the Claim Before date. This offer is no longer valid and cannot be used again.

Hard Bounce: An attempt to deliver the reward was blocked by the receiving server. Giftbit will not attempt to send the reward again, contact support for additional support

Order ID: Unique ID number to distinguish your orders

Pending: Order that is in the process of going out. May stay in this status if lacking credits, or account is new.


Sent but not claimed: Email offer was received but the recipient has not claimed a gift card. The offer may have been opened.

Soft Bounce: An attempt to deliver the reward was delayed by the receiving server. Giftbit will automatically attempt to send the reward again within a few days or reach out to support for a link to send directly.

Undeliverable: Delivery attempt failed because the email address was invalid, the mailbox was full, the mail server was unresponsive, or a previous communication was marked as spam.

Unsubscribed: Recipient opted out of email communication


Financial Report: This report provides information about account funding, the dollar value of gifts and savings.

Giftbit UUID: In the reports, this refers to a specific rewards unique ID

Operational Report: This report provides information about gifts that were sent, cancelled, expired and undeliverable.

User Period: In the reports, this refers to the selected date period

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