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Transition Donation Categories to Google Sheets
Transition Donation Categories to Google Sheets

Learn about our Google Sheets integration and migrating your current fund designation list over to Google Sheets

Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

Your organization may already have Donation Categories enabled and used the original method of uploading a .csv file directly to the platform, but needs a better way to update and manage your fund designation list.

Utilizing Google Sheets as your source for your Donation Categories has many benefits:

  1. You have one active Google Sheet to maintain vs multiple downloaded versions of a local or standalone file that needs to be updated.

  2. Multiple authorized members of your organization can collaborate on the Google Sheet.

  3. Making updates to your fund designation list and applying those updates is more manageable.

Transitioning over to Google Sheets is not difficult either! In fact, you can keep your existing uploaded list during this process.

This also works out well for organizations that need to keep the original Name or KDC Value for their fund designations, because they're using them with other features.

Migrate Existing Donation Categories

The great thing about using your existing list is that you have all of the required fields necessary for the Google Sheet.

To migrate your existing Donation Categories to Google Sheets, first go to the Donation Categories section of your campaign

Then within this menu, click on the "Export" button for the Donation Categories area

Verify the Filename and the File Type, then click "Export"

That should download a .csv file of your fund designations currently available within the platform.

Now you can take this list and copy everything in it (including the headers) and paste it into a new Google Sheet

This will be your new source file for your fund designations. You can keep the list as is, add to this list, remove from this list, make updates to the existing list, etc., and then follow this outlined process to enable the Google Sheet in the platform.

Recommended Verification Checks for Donation Categories

Migrating your existing Donation Categories is simple enough and you might not even notice any changes under the Donation Categories section of your campaign, especially if you did not make any adjustments to your existing funds within the Google Sheet.

To verify that your campaign truly is using Google Sheets for its Donation Categories, check the menu options within the Donation Categories section. You should no longer have buttons for "+Add Child," "Export," or "Reorder."

Any updates to your fund designation list must now occur within the Google Sheet.

Important Note: Any updates you make to the Donation Categories directly within the platform will NOT be reflected on the Google Sheet. If you click the "Refresh" button, the platform will override those changes and use what is on the Google Sheet. Make sure you're making updates to the Google Sheet so they are reflected correctly in the platform as well.

One other recommended verification is the Name or KDC Value for your fund designations. If you are utilizing specific features that requires your organization to maintain the original KDC Values, verify that the KDC Values of your initial .csv export match the values that you see listed in the Donation Categories section of the platform.

  • If the values don't match, then double-check your Google Sheet to verify that it has the right values and adjust accordingly.

If you have any questions about transitioning your Donation Categories to Google Sheets, please reach out to our team!

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