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Academy Settings

We show you advanced configurations for your academy.

Updated over a week ago



Settings. General.

In this article we are going to look at the advanced settings of your academy. At the moment there is only one option, but more will be added in the future.

  • Show student's email/phone in the Teacher section: Activate this option if you want the teacher in his/her app to see the student's personal information, email and phone, so he/she can contact him/her. This option is useful when the student or teacher is late so that they can call each other without having to go ask at the front desk. Not having this option gives "more power" to the school so that the teacher is not so independent.

  • Display comments in the calendar view. Select this option if you would like to see the comments in the Remarks field of the Academy's timetable. If you prefer to see an icon when a comment is entered in the Remarks field, disable this option.

Lessons Type

In this article we are going to explain how to create the different types of classes and courses to be booked through our Academy module.

Before creating our first class type, as always, we must create our products and rates. The class type will be associated to a product and within it we will manage the class prices, taxes, and accounting.

There are 3 types of classes in our academy:

  • Private classes. Individual class that we do at the moment for, normally, 1 or 2 people.

  • Multiple classes. These can be divided into 2 types:

    • Group courses. Groups of, normally, 4-6 people who come on the same day of the week, at the same time, for a long period of time, for example a trimester. "Children's trimester course" in a typical type of class in this category.

    • Private courses. Smaller group, usually 1-2 people, coming on the same day, at the same time, for a number of sessions, e.g. 10 classes. "Bonus of 10 private lessons of 1 person" in a typical type of class in this category.

      The difference between this type of class and private classes is that in this one the client commits and books multiple classes, and in the second one the client does not commit and books each class individually.


All the class types that we have seen are created in the same list "Class types". To create a class type we will follow the steps below:

  • Name: Here we will put the name for this class type. For example "Private class 1h", "Nursery school", etc.

  • Minimum number of students: Here you can enter if this type of class requires a minimum number of students to be confirmed. Actually this field is merely informative for listings and does nothing else.

  • Maximum students: Here you can enter the maximum number of students allowed for each class of this type. For example "6" students. In this case the system uses this number to paint it in the class agenda and to be able to see in which classes you still have spaces to continue adding students "3/6", "4/6"... or if it is full "6/6".

  • Type of reservation: In disuse.

  • Duration: Enter the number of minutes each class lasts. For example "60" minutes. The system will use this time to block the teacher's agenda.


In this section we will associate this type of class to a product. This way, when creating a class, the system will not only block the teacher's agenda, but it will create a sale/invoice for that class with the related product data for that customer. The way to invoice can be ONE of the following:

  • Enrollment: This field is typically used for courses where the student pays only once at the beginning of the course, and not for each class. Normally, when you sign up for a "trimester course", you pay on the first day for the whole trimester.

  • Fee: This field is also often used for courses, but instead of paying a large amount at the beginning, the customer is given a receipt/direct debit each month or quarter. A clear example might be a gym. Sign up for that yoga class every Tuesday for 50€ per month.

  • Product per class: This is the option usually chosen for private classes, both individual and multiple. This way the client will pay for each class when he/she comes to teach it and will not pay for all of them in advance. This option is perfectly compatible with private lesson vouchers, where the system will ask him to pay for his lesson that day and he will be able to do so by charging it against his voucher balance.


In this section you can customize the look and feel of your different class types to make them visually appealing to trainers and receptionists. Usually group classes are given a different color than private classes, for example.

  • Text color: Here you can customize the text color of these types of classes in the teachers' agenda.

  • Background color: Here you can customize the background color of this type of classes in the teachers' agenda.


In this article we are going to give you the necessary steps to add teachers to your academy module. Once added, they will be visible when you want to add a class from reception, widget, or app.


To add a new teacher follow the steps below:

  • Area: Here you can associate a teacher to an area of your club. This step is only useful if you have more than one activity: golf, tennis, gym, etc. Otherwise, leave it empty. The result of this field is that the system will group the teachers by areas in the agenda. So, if you have many teachers and different areas, you will see them in different pages making it more visual and intuitive.

  • Name. Here we would put the name of the teacher.

  • User: This option is useful if you want the teacher to be able to access his agenda from his cell phone through the teacher app. In order for the system to know which teacher is logging in and show only their classes and no one else's, you need to first create a user account in Settings / Security / Administrators, and select that user in this field.

    Note that teachers need extra settings when creating their administrator profile. In the field "Start URL" we should put "/admin/school/teacherView". What this does is that the teacher, when logging into Golfmanager, lands on his or her lesson planner.

    The login URL for the teacher is the same as any user in the system: (replacing xxxx with the name of your club).

    It is not bad practice when creating an administrator for the teacher to create and assign a teacher role that has access only to the academy module.

  • Title: Optionally we can write here the title of this teacher. For example "Head Coach", "Assistant Coach", etc. This information is useful only if you have your club website with Golfmanager or contracted the widget or APP.

  • Photo: Optionally we can insert here the photo of this teacher. This information is useful only if you have your club website with Golfmanager or contracted the widget or APP.

  • Description: Optionally we can add a description of this teacher. This information is useful only if you have your club website with Golfmanager or contracted the widget or APP.


Once you save the previously filled fields you will see a new tab at the top: intervals. Here we can add the working hours of this teacher so that both reception and online customers can see the available hours.


To create a teacher interval follow the steps below:

  • Name: Here you can give a name to this interval to differentiate it from other intervals. For example "Working hours", "Holiday hours", "Winter hours", etc.

  • Start and end time: Here we would put when your shift starts and ends. If you had a split shift you would have to create two intervals, one for the morning and one for the afternoon.

  • Duration: Here we put how often this teacher is available. For example "30" minutes would mean that this teacher admits classes at 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:00, 10:30, etc. While if we put "60" it would mean that this teacher admits classes at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, etc.

  • Start and end date: Here you can specify the period in which this interval will be active. This way you can make different intervals for winter and summer, for example.

  • Days of the week: Here you can say which days of the week will be available in this interval.

  • Priority: As it could happen that more than one interval is available on the same day, with this field we will mark the order in which the system will choose one of them. If we put a "1" it will have a high priority, if we put "100" it will have a lower priority. For example, you can have a winter timetable with priority 5, and you want to add an interval for the Christmas week. As both intervals are applicable, the system will choose the one with a priority closer to 1. In this case we would have to assign the Christmas interval a priority of 1 for example.

  • Background color: Here you can customize the background color of this interval in the reception agenda for this teacher. It is more common to choose a soft green for all intervals for all teachers.

  • Online: Activate this option if you want to allow online booking of classes in this interval for this teacher. This option is only useful if you have contracted the widget or the App.

Install the class APP on the teacher's cell phone:

  1. Log in to the teacher's mobile.

  2. Depending on the phone:

    1. iOS: Paste in Safari:

    2. Replace xxxx with the name of your club.

  3. Enter his/her username and password.

  4. Use the phone options to add this page to the home screen. This step will add the icon with direct access to your classes to your phone.


In this article we will show you how to create an area for your academy, just in case you will need it. The area is only useful if you have more than one activity in your club: golf, tennis, gym, etc. Otherwise, leave it empty.

The different areas will be associated to each coach. The result will be that the system will group the teachers by areas in the reception agenda. So, if you have many teachers and different areas, you will see them on different pages making it more visual and intuitive.

To register an academy area follow these simple steps:


  • Name: Name of the area or activity. For example: "Golf", "Gym", etc.

  • Priority: Here you can customize the order in which they will be shown in the class agenda. If you set "1" it will appear first by default, if you set "100" it will appear at the end.

Once the area has been created, you can associate it to a teacher so that it appears in the class agenda of the correct activity.

Blocking teacher hours in your calendar

First you have to configure the blocking from the Settings Menu (cogwheel).

  1. Go to Academy > Class types.

  2. Click on New.

  3. Fill in the fields with the name "Teacher block".

  4. Edit a color for the lock.

  5. Click on Save.

Once configured go to the Main Menu:

  1. Go to the Academy.

  2. Click on the schedule of the teacher you want to block.

  3. In the pop up click on type and fill in the type Class Block.

  4. Fill in the fields start and end of blocking timetable.

  5. Click on OK.

Create the automatic lock in Booking when creating a booking in Academy

To create a lock on the Reservations occupancy plan when creating a booking from the Academy module, follow these steps:

From the Configuration Menu:

  1. Click on Academy.

  2. Click on Class Types.

  3. Click on the ID of the desired class.

  4. In the Booking Type section add the booking that will be automatically generated in the booking plan.

  5. Save.

How to make the Academy module available in the widget and/or in the booking app.

Remember that the online sales option of the Academy module is only available in the Widget and/or the App.

In order for a client to have the Academy module available in the widget and/or the app, they only need to be logged in for booking.

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