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Events Settings

Here are some advanced options for your activity module.

Updated over a week ago



As you already know, you can manage all your activities or events from Golfmanager. With this module you will be able to allow registrations for golf tournaments, golf courses, dinners, or any other activity of your club.

As with every module, there are advanced settings that can help customize the application.

Right now we only have a couple of options to customize your Activities module and that is to edit the header photo and title that your players will see on your "Upcoming Events" web page. We show you how to configure these parameters.


  • Header: Here you can choose the text you want to appear at the top of the web page, above the header photo. For example "Golf School".

  • Main online image: Here you can choose the photo you want to appear at the top of the web page. Below this picture the different activities will be listed.

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