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Club Settings

In this article we will see how to configure general data of our club

Updated over a week ago


General section

Basic information to personalize our players' experience on our website, widget and/or app:

  • Name

    Here we will put the name of our club. Example: Golf Santander. This information will appear in several places. We recommend using a short name as far as possible, avoiding a name like Golf Course Manchester for a GC Manchester, as in some screens it may not be aesthetically perfect.

  • Logo

    Here we will insert the logo of our club. Keep in mind that the system does not accept photos larger than 250kb. If the size is bigger, you have a pencil icon right there where you can edit the size of the photo. We recommend that the logo is well centered on the photo and does not touch the edges of it, that there is some margin. This logo will appear on the reservation web page, invoices, app...etc.

  • Image

    Here we will put the header photo of our club. Keep in mind that the system does not accept photos larger than 250kb. If the size is bigger, you have an icon right there of a pencil where you can lower the size of the photo. We recommend that the photo is in landscape format. This image will be displayed on the reservation web page.

  • Description of the web page

    This description will be displayed on the left side of our booking web page. This section can be written in plain text or html, and is often used to show club services, images, videos, include a weather widget, or buttons that take you to another section.

NOTE. If you have a description in the Resource Type, it will replace this one in the Center Configuration. This way you can have a particular description for each sport, or a generic one for all.

To edit the content of the web description, you can do it in two ways:

  • Adding content directly in plain text or

  • Adding the text in HTML for which you have to select the <> symbol from the options in the toolbar of this field.

    Create a template in HTML format. If you do not know how to create the html code the best option is to use an editor. In Google we can find many HTML editors and, among them, a very simple one: In this HTML editor you can create the message using a simple text editor, which will automatically create the HTML code, which once finished you will copy in Golfmanager.

How to add an image to the html template?

  1. In Golfmanager go to Settings Menu > General Settings > Files to host the image in the Golfmanager program.

  2. Click on the Home folder.

  3. Drag the desired image to the Public folder.

  4. Once the image is added in the Public dropdown, click on it and copy the image address.

  5. Now in the html editor, click on the "add image" icon and paste the image address.

Do you want to add a weather widget in the description of the club's online area?

  1. Click on change location.

  2. Click on get HTML code

  3. Copy the code.

  4. Paste the code at the bottom of your html.

Do you want to add Google Maps widget in the description of the club's online area?

  1. Create the Map from the settings configuration

  2. Copy the iframe code

  3. Paste the code at the bottom of your html.

How to change the language of the web booking description?

Here are the steps to follow from the Translations help article.

Contact section.

In this section we will detail our contact information that later will go to the web page, email signatures, etc.

  • Phone

    Phone number of our golf club. This number is usually displayed on the website so it would be a contact and customer service number for reservations. For administration another number is usually put but in another section of the application.

  • Email

    Email of our golf club. As in the previous point, it would be for reservations contact and not for administration.

  • City

    Locality of our golf club

  • Postal Code

    Postal code of our golf club

Localization Section

In this section you can customize the language and localization of your business.

  • Language

    The language in which you want your application to appear. If you leave it empty, by default it will be shown in Spanish.

  • Latitude

    Here we will put the latitude value of our club, to find it out, you can go to Google Maps, search for your business and look at the URL in the part where it says @. Example: Golf Santander would be 40.3946914. This field is optional and will only be useful for tomorrow, when we add the geolocation in our apps.

  • Longitude

    The same as the previous point, but the next number in the URL. Ex. Golf Santander would be -3.8787269. This field is optional and will only serve for the day of the morning when we add the geolocation in our apps

Formats Section

In this section we can customize the number, currency and date formats of our application. For Spanish clubs we should not do anything in this section because the default values are those required for Spain.

  • Decimal separator.

    In Spain the decimals are with a comma "," but in other countries it can be a point "."

  • Thousands separator.

    In Spain the thousands is with a point "." but in other countries it can be a comma ",".

  • Currency.

    Here we will put the currency code. Example for dollars would be USD.

  • Currency symbol.

    Here we will put the currency symbol of our culture. Example for dollars would be $.

  • Currency pattern.

    Here we will put the way the currency symbols are shown, before or after the amount. Example for dollars would be $0:00 ($1.25).

  • Decimal places pattern

    Here we set how many decimals we want to show. There are countries that have 3 decimals. Example: 0:00.

  • Short date pattern.

    Here we will set the way to show the dates in the system. There are countries that start by saying the month or the year, unlike Spain where we always say the day, month and year. Example for USA would be MM-dd-yyyy. It is important to respect upper and lower case letters.

  • Long date pattern.

    We will set the way to show the dates in the system. Unlike the previous one, here we will say the day of the week and the rest of the date with letters and not numbers. Example for USA would be ddd MM-dd-yyyy. It is important to respect upper and lower case letters.

  • Date time pattern.

    Here we will put the way to show the hours in the system. Example HH:mm. It is important to respect upper and lower case.

  • Long date time pattern.

    Same as above but in long date format, with day of the week and in letters and adding the time. Example ddd MMM dd yyyy HH:mm. It is important to respect upper and lower case.

  • First day of the week.

    Here we will choose the first day of the week, which for Spain is Monday but for other cultures is Sunday.

Others Section

In this section we will customize other options:

  • Landing page

    Here we will choose where we want to land when entering Golfmanager just after entering the username and password: the booking module, POS, a special listing, etc.. If we leave it empty, our first screen will be the reservation map.

  • Header text

    This is the text that will appear in the main menu in light blue. If left empty it will show the club name (first text field of this screen) but sometimes, the club name is so long that it appears in two lines in the main menu and we recommend to put here another text to overwrite the club name and be visually more attractive.

Customer Zone Section

In this section we will customize how we want to display our online booking area:

  • Allow online registration.

    We will activate this option if we are going to allow customers to create online accounts. For commercial fields this option is usually always enabled and for private fields it is optional.

  • Login to buy.

    We will activate this option if we do not want customers to see the availability of hours and prices without first having created an account and logged in. This session is not usually active in commercial fields, but it is active in social fields. Thus, an external player cannot see the availability of a private field or block outings without having to do so.

  • Customer zone alert.

    The text we put here will be displayed as an alert message on the online booking page. It is usually used to announce the next pinning, a change of timetable, etc. This text can be html.

  • Legal conditions gateway.

    Here we will put the text that we want so that the player "accepts" some conditions before finishing his purchase. This text usually includes a link that takes you to another page, where the conditions of the reservation that the player must accept to continue: cancellation, complaints, contact, etc. are explained. The text configured in this field will appear as a checkbox in the shopping cart, and you will need to accept it in order to proceed with the purchase. This text can be html (essential to be able to add an external link). Example: "I accept the Terms and Conditions".

    NOTE: If you want it to appear in HTML mode, add the text below: I accept the <a href="/system/page/terms">Terms and Conditions.</a>

  • Disable security policy.

    This advanced option will be used when we want to allow third party applications to connect to Golfmanager, which by default is blocked by security. This option is very important to discuss with the technical team to analyse the possible consequences.

  • Allow to include in an iframe.

    Normally it is not recommended to abuse the use of iframe for security and experience issues. But with this option we will be able to activate it if we assume the consequences that it has. This option allows you to include the Golfmanager online booking engine in an iframe within your web page, so that the user does not leave the club's web page when completing a booking.

  • HTML Footer.

    This advanced part is for embedding in the footer of the booking area information like address, contact, terms and conditions, etc. And also to embed code from other applications such as Google Analytics.

  • HTTP Headers.

    This advanced section is to add custom headers that the web server returns to the browser.


There are sections that directly affect what customers will see when they make reservations through the web, app and/or widget.

Other sections (Formats, Default language...) are intended to allow you to customize your Golfmanager according to your own needs.

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