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List of Memberships

Learn everything you need to know about your memberships and/or subscribers' fees.

Updated over a week ago



In this list we are going to see all the fees associated with our clients. It is important to mention that there is not one database for customers and another one for members. All the clients of our club, and their data, will be in our client list, and in this list of memberships will be associated to those clients with some of our memberships.

The active memberships are usually associated with some labels, and these are key when it comes to showing some fares (booking types) or others. The memberships, in addition to the labels, can be used to:

  • Implement dynamic prices.

  • Filter some activities or online vouchers.

  • Block a series of hours.

From this list we will also generate the receipts and direct debits as we will see throughout this article.

Before creating new fees to our customers we must have created Memberships types and the POS button.

As with all listings, you can use the tools to better exploit your data.

Image of the complete process of a new member and their receipts (dues).

How to create a new membership

To register a member, or associate a membership to a client, we will do it from the POS with the corresponding button. Once you have the button installed:

  • Click on the button.

  • Search and select the Client.

  • Search and select the Type of Membership to associate.

  • Optionally enter the Custom Price for this customer. Normally this field is left empty because most of the time the customer is charged the standard rate. But if this customer is going to have a special price, this is where you should put it.

  • Optionally enter the Description for this fee. If you leave it blank the system will set the description to the name of the fee, which is usually enough for most clubs. But if you want the description of the fee to have a special text, this is the place to put it.

  • Choose the Bank account in case you want to direct debit this fee. This account can be created in this step or previously from the customer file in the "Accounts" tab.

  • Select a Start date for this instalment. From this date onwards the membership will be active and will trigger all your special settings (labels, times, prices, etc.).

  • Select an End date for this membership. If you leave this field empty, the membership will be active forever until you return to this membership and say otherwise. There are types of membership fees (annual) that you know when they expire, but there are other types of membership fees (for example in gyms) that you renew every month or year and you are considered a member until you do not communicate that you want to cancel your membership. After that date, the membership will no longer be active and all your special settings (labels, hours, prices, etc.) will no longer apply.

  • Click OK. The sale will be added to the cart.

  • To "Clear" this sale you can:

    • Click Finish and choose the appropriate Payment Method.

    • Click on Finalise and Pay by Direct Debit.

    • Leave the sale Pending payment.

Nota: If you add a fee to a customer at the POS and they not pay it or leave it on account, the software will not register the customer as a member until there is a payment. In order for the system to detect that they are a member, you will have to split lines at the POS and pay one of them.

While we were doing this in the POS, the system added this new customer and his membership to the list of memberships (Main menu > Memberships > Memberships). Also in the customer's card, in the "Memberships" tab, you can see this newly added membership.

How to edit a membership configuration

In the main menu click on Memberships.

  • Search for the membership using the quick search or filters.

  • Click on the Membership ID to enter the details.

  • Modify any parameters, such as the end date.

  • Click Save.

Note: you can also enter the membership detail through the client's profile, in the Memberships tab, by clicking on the Membership ID.

How to add a beneficiary to a membership

A beneficiary of a memberships can be the family member (family membershipss) or an employee (corporate membershipss). A beneficiary, as long as the memberships is active, will enjoy the same benefits as the memberships holder. To edit the beneficiaries of a memberships:

  • From the main menu click on Memberships.

  • Click on Memberships.

  • Search for the memberships holder's memberships using the quick search or filters.

  • Click on the Memberships ID to enter the details.

  • In the Beneficiaries section, click on New.

  • Search for and select the Beneficiary.

  • Click on Save.

Note: you can also enter the memberships detail through the client's file, in the Membershipss tab, by clicking on the Memberships ID.

How to issue memberships dues

The fact that a customer has an associated membership fee in his profile does not mean that the system will automatically generate the receipts every month or every year. The club will have to generate the fee receipts manually, either individually or in bulk.

To generate receipts:

  • From the main menu click on Memberships.

  • Click Memberships.

  • Click on Issue receipts. A popup window will appear.

  • Choose the Period you want to issue receipts. The system is smart enough to know which receipts to issue and which not to issue (because they have been generated previously, because they have expired, etc.). Note: you can click on "Preview in Excel" before generating the receipts to see the detail of what the system will generate.

    The system informs you in this step of:

    • How many customers the receipts will be generated for.

    • How many bills, and their amount, will be generated for direct debit and non-direct debit.

    • How many bills from this period have already been generated before.

  • Once you are sure that the bills to be generated are correct, click on Generate. The system will now generate an outstanding sale (or delivery note) for each customer. You will later be able to view these lines from the sales list or from the customer's profile. The customer will also see in their online profile that they have an outstanding debt with the club. These outstanding sales can be paid:

    • The club via a SEPA file or Q19 (direct debit).

    • At reception by cash payment.

    • From the widget or APP through the "My purchases" area.

Note: some clubs go straight to the sales list to generate a complete invoice to each customer for these fees. Other clubs do nothing and just use the simplified invoice after bank remittance or payment at reception.

  • In the next step the system asks you if you want to create a Q19 file and remit those sales created and marked as "to be paid by direct debit".

    • Click Close if you do not want to remit.

    • Click on Generate Q19 if you want to remit. Read the "Q19 files" help article to find out more. Note: if we generate the remittance the system will mark all those sales pending payment as "paid" and will generate a simplified invoice or a receipt in case they have been previously invoiced.

How to pay an outstanding membership

As we have explained in the previous point, when generating a receipt from the POS or from the "Generate receipts" tool, the system creates sales pending payment and associates them to each customer. These sales can be located:

  • Through the sales list in Main menu > Listings > Sales.

  • Through the customer's file, in the "Sales" tab:


  • Click on the ID of that pending sale.

  • Click on View in POS.

  • Click Finish.

  • Select the Payment method.

How to mark a receipt as returned

  • In the main menu, click on Memberships.

  • Click on Q19 Files.

  • Find and select the File ID of the returned receipt.

  • In the "Lines" section, find the Client of the returned bill.

  • Select that line and tick one of the following options:

    • Mark returned if you expect to collect this sale in the future and to be included in future remittances.

    • Mark returned and do not direct debit if you are certain that this customer will not pay this debt, and to avoid adding this line to future remittances and incurring further return costs.

  • Click OK. Note: here you will be able to generate a corrective invoice if you wish.

At this point the system:

  • Creates a negative bill with the payment method "Direct debit".

  • Creates a ticket in negative for the same amount.

  • Mark this payment as returned.

  • At the moment the system does NOT block this member and still allows him to book online. But we have a manual option in the customer file (Blocked option) where you can prevent it.

How to pay a returned bill

  • In the main menu, click on Memberships.

  • Click on Q19 Files.

  • Find and select the File ID of the returned receipt.

  • In the "Lines" section, find the Client of the returned receipt.

  • Click on Pay at POS.

  • Click Finish.

  • Select the Payment Method.

How to cancel a membership

  • In the main menu click on Memberships.

  • Click on Memberships.

  • Search by customer and select the Membership ID.

  • Now you have two ways:

    • Enter an End Date on this memberships (today or a date in the past) to make this memberships inactive in your memberships list and click Save. From this point on, the memberships privileges will no longer apply.

    • Click Remove if you do not want to have this memberships listed. We recommend avoiding this option, but it can be useful for membershipss that were created by mistake, or that you want to delete correctly.

Signing a Digital Contract for a Subscription or Membership

Previously you have to have created the quota to the client, once this step is done, go to Main Menu:

  1. Click on Clients.

  2. Search and enter the client's file.

  3. Click on the Memberships tab.

  4. Click on the line or id of the desired quota.

  5. At the bottom in the Documents section, click on New.

  6. Fill in the desired fields.

  7. Click on Save.

Memberships module course

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