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V3 - Memberships
Updated over 4 months ago


User Area:

Configuration Zone

Memberships. Introduction

Section: Main menu > Billing > Fees


In this list we will see all the fees associated with our clients. It is important to mention that there is not one database for clients and another for partners. All clients of our club, and their data, will be in our client list, and in this list of membership those clients will be associated with one of our memberships.

Before creating new memberships for our clients, we must have created the Membership Types.

As in any list, you can use the tools to better exploit your data.

List of Features

  • You can generate receipts, payments and invoices completely automatically. New Premium

  • You can create installments with different periodicities (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual).

  • You can create a single payment periodicity.

  • You can decide if the fee works as a proration (using calendar dates) or without proration (from the registration date). New

  • The fee can add a tag to the holder and their beneficiaries, which will automatically give them privileges in the club for the duration of the fee.

  • You can choose the day you issue the receipts

Special buttons

  • New :

    • Customer . Obligatory field. Select a client from your database from the drop-down menu

    • Fee type . Obligatory field. Select a type of membership from the drop-down menu

    • Start . Select a start date (optional)

    • End . Select an end date (optional)

    • Custom price . Add a custom price (optional)

    • Domiciliary . Activate/deactivate this option (optional)

    • Private observations . Add private observations (optional)

    • Observations on invoice . Add comments on the invoice (optional)

  • Actions :

    • Generate Q19

    • Export

    • Export (all columns)

    • Matter

    • Bulk editing

    • See the trash

  • Issue memberships:

Select an ID

Special buttons

General Section

  • Customer . Obligatory field. Select a client from your database from the drop-down menu

  • Fee type . Obligatory field. Select a type of membership from the drop-down menu

  • Start . Select a start date (optional)

  • End . Select an end date (optional)

  • Custom price . Add a custom price (optional)

  • Domiciliary . Activate/deactivate this option (optional)

  • Private observations . Add private observations (optional)

  • Observations on invoice . Add comments on the invoice (optional)

Addons Section

  • New :

    • Product . Obligatory field. Select a product from the dropdown

    • Custom price . Add a custom price (optional)

    • Start . Select a start date (optional)

    • End . Select an end date (optional)

    • Private observations . Add private observations (optional)

  • Actions :

    • Bulk editing

Beneficiaries Section

Contracts Section

  • Generate contract:

    • Template . Obligatory field. Select a template from the drop-down menu or create a new one

  • Actions :

    • Bulk editing

Memberships. How to assign a new membership to a customer

Section: Main menu > Billing > Fees

  • Search and select the customer ID . You will enter your client's file. If the client does not exist, you must create it to continue.

  • Select New

  • Search and select the Type of membership to associate. You must have previously created it

  • Choose the start date of the membership or from when you will be a member

  • Optionally fill in the End date for this installment or until when you will cease to be a member. There are many times that you do not know until what date our client is going to be a partner and, therefore, you can leave this date empty. The system will continue issuing receipts to this customer as long as there is no end date specified

  • Optionally choose the Payment Method programmed for this fee, or how you will charge your client:

    • If you choose your online payment gateway (e.g. Stripe), the system will automatically charge the fee to the customer's card

    • If you choose direct debit, the system will automatically add it to the Q19/Sepa file

    • If you choose another payment method , the system will mark it as such but without doing anything automatically

  • Optionally fill out the Custom Price for this customer. Normally this field is left empty because most of the time the customer is charged the standard rate. But if this client is going to have a special price, this is where you should put it

  • Optionally fill out the Private Observations or notes that you, as an employee, but not the client, can view internally.

  • Optionally fill out the Observations on the invoice or notes that the client can view on their invoices for this fee.

  • Select Save . The Addons and Beneficiaries sections will be enabled at the bottom of the screen

NOTE . This fee will have been automatically added to the list of fees and to the client's file (fees tab). You can access the list of fees in Main Menu > Billing > Fees to edit or delete it in the future whenever you need.

Dues. How to add an addon to an existing membership

Section: Main menu > Billing > Fees

Introduction to addons.

An addon is like an extra to the client's main fee. buggy fee, box office fee. The invoice will then come with separate concepts, on the one hand the main fee (e.g. membership fee) and on the other the add-ons (e.g. box office).
​Note 1 . The addons have the same frequency as the main installment. If you are going to charge the different concepts on different days, you will not be able to do it as an addon and you will have to create another installment with that extra.
​Note 2 . Addons depend on the main membership , that is, they will be automatically canceled if the main membership is cancelled.

How to add an addon.

  • Select New

  • Search and select the Product that must have been created previously

  • Optionally write a Custom Price if you are going to charge the customer a different price than the standard price defined in the product

  • Start and End date . If left blank, the main installment dates will be used

  • Optionally type Private Observations to add notes to this addon. Note, it will not be visible by the client

  • Select Save

The addon will have been added and will be invoiced to the customer along with the main fee when receipts are issued.

Dues. How to add a beneficiary to an existing membership

Section: Main menu > Billing > Fees

This section can be very useful if your club manages family and/or corporate dues.

  • Select New

  • Search and select the Beneficiary

  • Select Save

The beneficiary will be added to the main installment along with the benefits generated by it.

NOTE . The benefits of the membership type label will be transmitted to the beneficiaries while the holder's membership is active.

Dues. How to issue the first receipt

Section: Main Menu > Billing > Fees

Once the previous steps are completed (owner fee, addons and beneficiaries) you can continue in two ways:

  • That you want to collect the first bill at that same moment

  • You want to leave that receipt pending until the next mass receipt issuance

In this section we are going to see the first case:

  • If you have followed the previous steps, you are probably already in the details of your client's fee, but if you are in another part of the program, access the list of fees in Main Menu > Billing > Fees

  • Find the desired membership

  • Select your ID to enter the details of the fee

  • At the top, select Issue membership . A popup will appear

  • Confirm the desired date range

NOTE . By default the system will offer you the date range for this month. But if you want to issue receipts for a longer period, edit the dates to your liking.

  • Select Accept . The system will have generated a sale and an invoice pending payment. The system will redirect you to the list of invoices where you will see the one you just generated

  • Select in the Invoice Reference

  • Select Receipt

  • Select the Payment Method

  • Select Accept

The sale and invoices will change from status to paid .

NOTE . If the fee is paid by another person (for example, in the case of a member's child), the customer for that fee will be displayed in the description of the sale and the invoice so that the member can have all the items on the invoice perfectly broken down.

NOTE . V3 allows you to put comments on the invoice in each payment method . This way, when a client, for example, goes to pay an invoice by Bank Transfer , they will see these observations with instructions and account number at the bottom of their invoice. This entire process is configured once in V3 and the rest of the invoices come out with personalized observations according to the client's preferred payment method.

Memberships. How to issue receipts in bulk

Section: Main Menu > Billing > Fees

In this section we are going to see how to issue receipts to all our members/subscribers.

  • At the top, select Issue membership . A pop up will appear

  • Confirm the desired date range . Note By default the system will offer you the date range for this month. But if you want to issue receipts for a longer period, edit the dates to your liking.

  • Select Accept . The system will automatically calculate which customers are responsible for generating a receipt and will generate a sale and an invoice pending payment for each one.

NOTE . If in the chosen range there are no memberships for which you can issue receipts, the Accept button will be in off mode so that you cannot press it thinking that you have issued receipts. Choose a range with new dates and you will see this button change color

  • From here you can continue in two ways:

    • If you have the Invoice automatically option activated, you will be redirected to the list of Invoices issued to be able to continue from there.

    • If you have the Invoice automatically option disabled, you can continue manually as you wish, through the Invoices list , Sales or through the Customer
      File .

NOTE . If the fee is paid by another person (for example, in the case of a member's child), the customer for that fee will be displayed in the description of the sale and the invoice so that the member can have all the items on the invoice perfectly broken down.

NOTE . V3 allows you to put comments on the invoice in each payment method . This way, when a client, for example, goes to pay an invoice by Bank Transfer , they will see these observations with instructions and account number at the bottom of their invoice. This entire process is configured once in V3 and the rest of the invoices come out with personalized observations according to the client's preferred payment method.

Dues. How receipts are billed

Section: Main Menu > Billing > Fees

It is interesting that you know how V3 works behind the scenes while you issue your installments. In this case we talk about several important points related to billing:

  • When issuing the memberships, the system will generate a membership sale for each client. In the same step, V3 allows you to activate the option to generate invoices automatically and, in addition to generating the sale as we have said, you will be able to generate the invoices without any additional step.

  • The client who has the Invoice to option activated in their file will have the fee issued in their name, but the sale, invoice and collection will be generated to the client who has Invoice to in that file . Therefore, it is possible for all of a family's dues to be grouped into a single invoice and charge using this functionality. In this family's invoice, each fee will be broken down and it can be clearly identified in the description that the fee is for a specific service and family member.

  • Depending on the configuration you have in the invoice type, it is likely that the complete invoice type requires that the clients you invoice must have a valid NIF on their file. Therefore, if you have automatic billing activated, you will not be able to issue receipts if there are clients without a NIF. Add this information to the missing customers and reissue receipts until you don't get any NIF errors. This does not apply to family members who bill everything to the owner.

Dues. How to collect a receipt manually

Section: Main menu > Billing > Fees

You can collect a bill individually or from all customers at the same time using SEPA or a tokenized card. Now let's look at the first case.

What the installment system has done when issuing receipts is generate sales and invoices to each customer like any other part of the system (reservations, POS, etc.), so you can follow the system's generic instructions to pay them.

Q19. How to collect receipts en masse

Section: Main menu > Billing > Q19

By issuing receipts individually or in bulk, the system will have created both sales and invoices pending payment to each customer. You can collect a receipt individually or all at once using SEPA or a tokenized card. In this section we are going to see how to collect all the receipts generated in bulk.

Q19. How to collect bills by SEPA direct debit

Section: Main Menu > Billing > Q19

  • Select Generate Q19 . A popup will appear

  • Add a Description for this Q19. It will help you identify it later among all your Q19s

  • Select the Expiration Date

  • Select the Company with which you want to issue the Q19

  • Select OK . A window with possible errors or a confirmation window will appear. At this point the system will have already marked all sales and invoices associated with these receipts as paid.

  • Select OK to close this popup

  • Now, or later, you can download the Q19 file by selecting Download . This downloaded file will be the one you will have to upload to your online banking .


  • From the Q19 screen, in the Actions button , you can send a message to your clients. For example, “we are going to pass the fees, please have a balance to avoid returns.”

  • A sale cannot be in more than one Q19

  • A sale included in a Q19 cannot be paid directly from sales. You would have to eliminate it from Q19 to pay at POS

  • On the Q19 screen you can see the direct sales grouped by customer. By clicking on a line you will access the details of all the charges for that client. If you add more sales to Q19, it will be included in the previously grouped sales of that customer

Q19. How to return a receipt in Q19

Section: Main Menu > Billing > Q19

It is very likely that a client will return a receipt to you, either due to lack of balance or because they have returned it manually from their online banking. To mark in V3 that this receipt has been returned you must follow the following steps:

  • Search and Select the reference of Q19 in which you charged your client.

  • In the Q19 detail, at the bottom, search and Select your customer who has returned the receipt.

  • Now you can continue in two ways:

    • Select Mark Returned if you want to resubmit this receipt later. We use it when we think that the client is going to pay the next time we direct debit. When you go to generate the next Q19, the system will add this receipt again.

    • Select Mark returned and do not direct debit if you do not want to send this receipt again later. We use it when we think that the client is not going to pay the next time we direct debit and thus avoid return bank charges. When you go to generate the next Q19, the system will not add this receipt again.

  • Select Accept

The system will generate a negative charge at the cashier, making the sale and invoice pending payment. You will see in Q19 itself, on that customer's line, that the receipt has been returned.

Q19. How to pay a returned receipt

Section: Main menu > Billing > Q19

When a receipt is returned from Q19, what is actually happening behind the scenes is that the sale and the invoice have once again been marked as pending payment . Then, you can pay these pending sales.


Section: Settings Menu > Membership > Settings

  • Automatic issuance of memberships. Activate/deactivate this option. The system will look every day to see if there are receipts to issue that day, like any human would have to do, and will automatically generate them. This will result in significant time savings for the club.

  • Automatic collection . Select an option from the drop-down menu or create a new one:

    • Wallet bonus

    • Bonus units

    • Deposit

  • Generate invoices . Activate/deactivate this option, they are generated of the default type. If you want an invoice to be issued after issuing automatic receipts, even if they are not paid.

Fee types

Section: Configuration Menu > Memberships > Membership Types

A fee is a service that the club offers to its clients.
These fees can be charged to the client in different ways: a single payment at the beginning, or recurring (membership). The issuance of these fees can be manual or the system can generate them automatically, including collection, billing and shipping to the client. of these. These memberships may add labels to clients who hire it, which will give them benefits in availability, prices, etc.


General Section

  • Name for your membership. Ex. Annual fee.

  • Frequency of your fee: monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual.

  • Product . Every time you issue a receipt for a fee, a sale will be created with this product that you must have previously created. The product is where you are going to put the price for this type of fee.

  • Proration or not. Here I explain the cases:

    • Proration YES. The system will issue customer receipts using natural dates: the 1st of each month, quarter, semester or year. Therefore, the price of the first receipt will be a calculation from today until the first day 1 on a proportional basis. Example, if the monthly fee costs €100 and I sign up for the club on the 15th, I will only pay €50, which is the proportional part of the month, and the next receipt would be on the 1st of the following month for €100.

    • Proration NO. The system will ignore calendar dates and count from the registration date. Continuing with the previous example, if the monthly fee is €100 and I sign up for the club on the 15th, I will pay €100 and the next receipt will be on the 15th of the following month for €100.

  • Label that assigns that will be added when contracting the membership . This label can give you benefits for always being a member. And when the membership is active. As soon as the membership comes to an end, this label will disappear from your file and you will no longer have the privileges of being a member. This entire labeling process, if everything is configured correctly, is automatic and saves the club a lot of time and errors.

  • Beneficiary label . Same case as the previous point but with the beneficiary of the fee. V3 allows you to create a membership associated with a holder, and also allows you to add one or more beneficiaries to the same membership . Well, the label is automatically added to the beneficiaries whenever the membership is active. On some occasions you may be interested in the label being different from that of the owner.

  • Issue day . This field is visible if you have the previous Proration option checked . When you choose proration, we have said before that the system does the calculation until the next day 1. It will work like this if you leave this field empty, but perhaps your club would like to start counting on day 5. This change will affect two very important things:

    • The proration calculation will be done until this day and not until day 1.

    • The receipts will be generated that day and not on day 1. Therefore, do not be confused with “when I generate the Q19”. The most normal thing is that it works with day 1, and then you issue the receipts whenever you want (day 28, day 3...) but always calculating the prorations until day 1.

Online section

  • Online sale. Select this option to activate online sales.

  • Description. Add a description for online sales

  • Image.

Clients Section

This section shows a list of all the clients that have this Membership Type associated with them. From this list, as from the general list of fees, it is also possible to create a new fee and issue receipts for this Type of Fee.

This list can also be viewed in a table.

Table Section

This section shows all the clients that have this type of membership associated in a table format. This table is very useful so that you can visually check the status of your clients' fees.

  • Date Filter: Allows you to select a specific date range.

  • Issue: You can select one or more installments, as well as columns of installments, to issue them.

    • Select the memberships you want to omit. You can omit fees per customer and per month.

    • You are aware that you can only omit the memberships that have not been issued. Select the Omit button.

    • You will see how in the cell of the selected amount, the import is replaced by a discontinuous line and the import is not shown.

    • If you select Issue All, the system will filter the memberships that have been omitted and will show you a message with the number of memberships issued.

  • POS: Allows you to select one or more installments, as well as columns of installments, and access the POS with those installments.

  • Quick payment: Offers the possibility of selecting one or more installments, as well as columns of installments, and proceeding to quick payment with those installments. The last row of the table shows the total amount of money and the number of receipts.

  • Colors:

    • Blue : Receipt pending issuance

    • Red : Receipt issued and pending payment

    • Green : Receipt issued and paid

Note 1: This tab format for visualizing the scores is also available in those courses where the designated Course Type has one added score.

Note 2: For course management in the School module with a reduced number of students, the use of a table can be a useful tool to organize and visualize information efficiently. To manage the club's memberships, we recommend that you manage them from the membership list, since the table view is limited to 100 records.


Section: Configuration Menu > Memberships > Addons

  • Product.

  • Custom price.

  • Start.

  • End.

  • Private observations.

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