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Membership types

We explain how to create our dues for your members.

Updated over a week ago



In this article we will teach you everything there is to know about quotas in Golfmanager. Here are some observations:

  • We will use them to create the members and subscribers of our club.

  • A member/subscriber can have more than one fee (for green fees, lockers, etc.).

  • The price of these fees can be dynamic based on the age of the customer. Very useful for maintenance fees that change in value as the child gets older.

  • The fact that a client has an active quota, the system will add a label in his profile that will grant him member/subscriber privileges.

  • Active quotas can also be used to create dynamic prices for certain products. Very useful for example if we want to apply a 10% discount in the restaurant to all members/subscribers.

  • A recent update will allow you to sell these quotas online.

  • The system will allow you to generate the receipts for these fees and create the file for direct debit.


To create a new type of dues, follow these steps:

  • Name for this type of fee. For example "Individual annual fee".

  • Periodicity will be how often we want to generate receipts with this type of quota. These are the options.

  • Single payment. We will use this option when we want to charge only once at the moment of registration. This type of installments will not generate automatic receipts in the future. When contracting this quota, the system will generate a receipt (sale), and the start/end of the quota will be defined by the system user.

    • Biweekly. We will use this option when we want to generate a recurring receipt to this member every 15 days.

    • Monthly. We will use this option when we want to generate a recurrent receipt to this member every 1st day of the month. The start date must be the 1st of the current month to be able to generate the first installment, and the end date can be chosen by the user. The system will issue receipts to this customer every 1st of the month until the end date is reached, when it will stop issuing receipts to this customer. If the end date is left empty the system will issue monthly receipts until an end date is set.

      Same concept as above for bimonthly, quarterly, four-monthly, six-monthly and annual. It is very important to note that Golfmanager issues receipts on calendar dates. That is to say:

      • Bi-weekly: every 1st and 15th of the month.

      • Monthly: every 1st of the month.

      • Bimonthly: every 1st day of odd months.

      • Every 3 months: every 1st day of each quarter (January, April, July, October).

      • Every 4 months: every 1st day of each quarter (January, May, September).

      • Semiannual: on January 1 and July 1.

      • Annual: every January 1.

      It is important to know that the system, when generating a receipt, will look from today onwards. As soon as it finds a date to issue a receipt, it will be generated. The system will not start from past dates unless the user specifies it. That is to say, if a member wants to sign up on January 10th, the system will generate the first receipt on February 1st unless we tell the system that the first receipt is on January 1st.

    • Annual from enrollment. This case behaves differently from the previous cases where the calendar date is used. In this case, the system issues the receipt on the same day in subsequent years. That is to say, if a member registers for this type of fee on April 3, the first receipt will be generated today, and the next one will be on April 3 of the following year.

      The difference between annual and annual from registration is that in the annual the member is a member until 31/12 while the other is a member for 365 days from the start date.

      Very important to know the importance of, when creating a quota to a client, the effects of the end date. If an "end date" is specified in that quota, once that date has passed, the system will remove that person's membership privileges and will not issue future receipts. However, if the end date is left empty, the system will maintain lifetime membership privileges and issue future receipts until told otherwise. The opposite is to go to that installment and set an end date. This is like your cell phone bill. The phone company is going to pass you a bill every month until you communicate an end date. This is the same thing. So if a member tells you they are leaving, you go to their file, to their quota, and you edit the end date.

  • Product. Here we will choose the product that we would have previously created. The information of this product will dictate the price for this fee, the taxes, and the accounting account (subfamily).

    It is very interesting that in Golfmanager we can have dynamic pricing on our products according to age. Therefore, by configuring the pricing of a product well we can save ourselves from creating unnecessary fee types. For example, if we have in our club a maintenance fee with different prices for children, juniors, adults and seniors, we can have a single type of maintenance fee associated with a product that calculates the price according to age.

  • Tag. Here we will choose one of our previously created labels. We can also create them from this same dropdown by clicking on "Create new". What this field does is to add this label to the record of the customer who has this quota. Let's say we choose the label "member" in this field and we continue with the previous example of "Individual annual fee". If Peter becomes an individual annual member, the system will add the label "member" to Peter's card, and this will have important consequences. The fact that Peter will have the membership label will give him access to special reservation types with special prices.

    It is important to know that Golfmanager removes the label of that client once the quota has been finalized, and he will no longer have any privileges. Therefore, the tag on the quota type is our way of connecting partners to the correct rates. Therefore, it is important to make sure that we understand the tag concept well.

  • Beneficiary tag. In Golfmanager we have the possibility to have players within the same fee. For example, there are courses that have family or corporate memberships. What we do in these cases is to add the quota to the owner or company, and within the quota add the beneficiaries. Read the article on how to create a quota to learn more. Well, the system will add this label to all those beneficiaries so that they have access to those privileges while the quota is active.


  • Online sale. Activate this option if you want players to be able to become members or subscribers through your website.

  • Days. When we make a new member in the back office we can choose the end day of the quota for a member, but on the internet we cannot give the customer the choice of the end date of his quota. If we put here "364" the system will assign a duration to this quota for that number of days. However, for other types of quotas where there is no end date because we generate receipts from time to time, we may want to leave this field empty so that this player is considered a member until he does not communicate the cancellation.

    This online sales option is perfectly prepared for the single payment and the annual type from registration. For the rest of recurring fees with calendar dates (monthly, quarterly) we are still working on it. Imagine that we are on April 10th. Right now the system would issue the first installment on April 1, affecting production. For some clubs this is important, not for others, so these types of dues cannot be active for sale online. Check with our support team to find out more.

  • Image. This image will be shown on the web page, widget or app when contracting a quota.

  • Description. This description will be displayed on the web page, widget or app when you sign up for a quota. Here you will be able to say what this type of quota consists of.

Once you have created your quota type, you will need to create a button on the POS to sell it. See our article on how to create POS buttons or consult with our support team.

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