Purchase order

Create your warehouse entries from your products with stock.

Updated over a week ago



The purchase order tool will help you to make warehouse entries of your stock products.

At Golfmanager we thought that making an order and a delivery note tool was unnecessary, so on this page you will find those two functionalities.

First you will place an order to your supplier, and then you will mark them as received. It is then when the incoming movement and the stock modification of those products will be generated.

As with any listing, you can use the tools to better exploit your data.

🛒 The delivery notes are not the only documents that become orders

In order to allow you to generate more detailed reports, we have added more fields by default when generating an order, such as the shipping date or estimated arrival date. You will be able to link warehouse receipts to invoices and/or supplier delivery notes to be able to track all movements and create useful reports.

🛍️ Introducing a new store importer

Our new importer saves you hours creating store products. You can upload an Excel file with your product information and the system will create them for you along with their variants. Automatically creates a packing slip as well.

How to create a Purchase Order

  1. In the Main Menu > Stock > Puchase orders

  2. Click on New

  3. Section Purchase Order:

    1. Number: Add a number. This number is optional and can help you identify this delivery note later. For example: 001.

    2. Description: Add a description. This description is optional and can help you identify this packing slip later. For example: "Callaway Order".

    3. Warehouse: Choose the warehouse to which the products for this order are to be added or create a new one. Filling out this field is mandatory.

      1. Supplier: Choose the supplier or create a new one. This may be useful for filtering your delivery notes later. Please be aware that this field is not automatically synchronized with the Supplier field in the product.

  4. Section Dates:

    1. Creation Date: By default, it displays the current date, but you can select a different date if you wish.

    2. Delivery Date: The date can be added when the order is sent to the supplier. Using the Submit button from the Order page will automatically add it.

    3. Estimated delivery date: The date can be manually entered.

    4. Effective date of entry: The date can be manually entered.

  5. Section Order Status:

    1. Status: You can select the order status from this dropdown menu. In the future, you can use this status to filter your orders. You have the following options:

      1. Open. We are in the process of generating the request.

      2. Discarded. The order has been sent to the supplier and we are waiting for it to arrive.

      3. Received in part. The products have been partially received.

      4. Received. All the products on this delivery note have been received.

    2. Notes: Add remarks to this delivery note if necessary.

  6. Click on Save. At this point we will have created the header of our delivery note and a new section will be enabled underneath where we can add the products we are going to order.

  7. Section Purchase order lines. To add products to this delivery note you can use two methods from Add Product button:

    1. Add Product. To enter the products one by one manually:

      1. A new window will appear.

      2. Product. Search and select the product.

      3. Purchase order. Enter the quantity to order for this product. In the case of a return or a credit note, the amount can be entered in the negative.

      4. Buying price w/o taxes. Add the net unit cost (purchase price excluding VAT). If it is for a return or a credit note, do not put it in the negative. If the product is one that is already in stock, the default cost will be displayed.

      5. Click Save.

        NOTE: A new line is now added to the delivery note, but has not yet been added to stock. This will be done later when we receive the product. You will notice that the amount in the Received column is zero. In the Pending column, the same amount is included as in the Purchase Order. If you do not have the Suppliers associated with the Product, do not add Supplier to the Order so that all the Products appear in the dropdown, instead add the desired Products and then add the Supplier to the Order.

    2. Import. We will be able to import our products from Excel. Ask our support team for help on how to do this.

      1. Click on the 3 dots > click Import from Excel

      2. Browse and select your Excel file.

      3. Click Import.

        NOTE: A new line is now added to the delivery note, but has not yet been added to stock. This will be done later when we receive the product. You will notice that the amount in the Received column is zero. In the Pending column, the same amount is included as in the Purchase Order.

  8. Once we have the delivery note, or order in this status, with the products we want to buy, we can click on To Print or Send it to the supplier.

How to generate the warehouse entry from a Delivery Note or Purchase 0rder

Once we have received the material from the supplier:

  1. In the main menu, click on Stock.

  2. Click on Delivery notes.

  3. Search and select the ID of your delivery note.

  4. Select the Products you have received (one, several or all).

  5. Click on Add to stock.

    A stock movement has now been generated and the units purchased have been entered in the corresponding warehouse. If you notice, in the column "Added to stock" it says "Yes". Now we can change the status of this delivery note to "Received" if we wish.

Printing tags from a purchase order

To print tags from a delivery note follow these steps:

Go to Main Menu > Stock > Purchase order

  1. Click on the ID of the packing slip from which you want to print the tags.

  2. Select the desired Product IDs.

  3. Click on the Print Tags field.

  4. In the popup window, indicate from which position to start printing both row and column. This option allows us to take advantage of all the tags on a sheet.

  5. Click OK.

  6. With the right mouse button, select Print.

  7. The print format of the tags is DIN-A4 for a total of 40 tags (4 columns x 10 lines). The size of the tags is 52mm x 30mm.

  8. In more printer settings, select no margins and 100% scale.

Note: When printing the tags you will see two fields S: C:, corresponding to Size and Color.

Change the net price of a Product

To change or modify the unit cost of a product follow these steps from the Main Menu:

  1. Click on Stock.

  2. Click on Delivery Note.

  3. Click on the Delivery Note ID.

  4. In the Lines section at the bottom, click on the ID.

  5. Modify the price in the Net unit cost field.

  6. Click on Save.

Import Products to a Purchase order

We can import our products from Excel. To do this you need the columns:

  • Delivery Note: the ID of the Delivery Note to which you want to import that excel.

  • Product: the Product ID.

  • Quantity

  • Net unit cost

To Import the excel follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 3 dots.

  2. Click on Import from Excel.

  3. Browse and select your Excel file.

  4. Click on Import.

    At this point the new lines will be added to the packing slip, but it has not yet been added to the stock. This will be done later when we receive the product. If you notice, in the "Added to stock" column it says "No".

🎁Delete purchase order

Did you make a mistake on a delivery note? Now you can delete it 😊

You have 2 options:

  • select the ID and then the Delete button

  • select the checkbox and then the Delete button

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