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Stock listing

Know how many items you have in each warehouse.

Updated over a week ago



  • Does the selling price change when moving from one warehouse to another?

  • How do I make a product disappear from a warehouse?


In this list you can see how many units you have of each item, in each warehouse, that you have activated "stock management".

As in any list, you can use the tools to better exploit your data. In addition, this list will have a couple of special buttons.

How to manage the stock of a product

Not all products will appear in this list automatically. This will happen if in the configuration of that product we activate the option "manage stock". In addition to that, we will have to make a warehouse entry through a delivery note.

Stock tab. Special button. Add to regularise.

How to regularise the stock of a product

  1. Click on Add to regularise.

  2. Search and select the Product you wish to transfer.

  3. Choose the Warehouse from which you are going to regularise the stock.

  4. Choose the Quantity to regularise, positive or negative.

  5. Define the Net Unit Cost to be reflected in the warehouse movement. If the product already has a unit cost, this will be the default.

  6. Optionally write a Comment for this movement.

  7. Click on Accept.

Stock tab. Special button. Transfer.

How to transfer a product from one warehouse to another from the stock list

  1. Click on Transfer.

  2. Find and select the Product you wish to transfer.

  3. Choose the Quantity to transfer.

  4. Define the Net Unit Cost to be reflected in the warehouse movement.

  5. Choose the Warehouse of origin.

  6. Choose the destination warehouse.

  7. Optionally enter a Comment for this movement.

  8. Click on Accept.

How to transfer a product from one warehouse to another from a product

To transfer stock from one warehouse to another from the product file follow these steps:

  1. From Configuration (cogwheel) > Billing > Products.

  2. Use the search engine to find your product.

  3. Click on the ID of that product.

  4. Click on the Stock tab.

  5. Click on the View Stock button.

  6. Fill in the required fields according to the previous section.

Stock tab. Stock list fields. General section

  • ID: Unique identifier of this "stock" in the system.

  • Product: Name of the item in stock.

  • In stock: Indicates whether this product is configured as a product in stock. This configuration is made in the profile of this product. A product in stock is one that the supplier provides us with free of charge and that we will only pay for if it is sold.

  • Warehouse: This indicates the warehouse where we have this product.

  • Quantity: Quantity of this product, in this warehouse.

  • Minimum: Here you can define a minimum stock for this product in this warehouse. With this configuration you will be able to know when you have to buy more units of this product.

  • Maximum: Here you can define a maximum stock quantity for this product in this warehouse. With this configuration you can quickly find out how many units you have to buy in order to have a sufficient quantity of this product.

  • Subfamily: Subfamily of this product and useful to be able to filter your listings. This configuration is done in the profile of this product.

  • Family: Family of this product and useful to be able to filter your listings. This configuration is carried out in the profile of this product, choosing the correct subfamily which in turn belongs to a family.

Stock records. Special button. Add to regularise

How to regularise the stock of a product

  1. Click on Add to regularise.

  2. Search and select the Product you wish to transfer.

  3. Choose the Warehouse from which you are going to regularise the stock.

  4. Choose the Quantity to regularise, positive or negative.

  5. Define the Net Unit Cost to be reflected in the warehouse movement. If the product already has a unit cost, this will be the default.

  6. Optionally write a Comment for this movement.

  7. Click on Accept

Stock records. Special button. Transfer

How to regularise the stock of a product from the stock records

  1. Click on Transfer.

  2. Search and select the Product you wish to transfer.

  3. Choose the Quantity to transfer.

  4. Define the Net unit cost to be reflected in the warehouse movement.

  5. Choose the Warehouse of origin.

  6. Choose the destination warehouse.

  7. Optionally enter a Comment for this movement.

  8. Click on Accept.

How to transfer a product from one warehouse to another from one product

To transfer stock from one warehouse to another from the product file follow these steps:

  1. From Configuration (cogwheel) > Billing > Products.

  2. Use the search engine to find your product.

  3. Click on the ID of that product.

  4. Click on the Stock tab.

  5. Click on the View Movements button.

  6. Fill in the required fields as above.

Stock records tab. Stock records fields. General section

In this list you will be able to see and analyse the movements of your products in your warehouses. Every time you generate an order, transfer from one warehouse to another, sell at the POS, etc. this list is updated to keep your inventory up to date.

As with any list, you can use the tools to better exploit your data.

Stock records fields

  • ID: Unique identifier of this stock movement in the system.

  • Product*: Name of the product of this movement.

  • Warehouse*: Warehouse where the movement has been generated.

  • Type*: Can be:

    • Entry: Purchases generated from a delivery note.

    • Departure: Sales generated through the POS.

    • Transfer: Transfers from one warehouse to another.

    • Cancellations: When you delete a delivery note line, if it has already been added to stock.

    • Recovery: When you recover a deleted delivery note line, if it has already been added to stock.

    • Quantity update: Regularisations made through an inventory.

    • Returns: When you add a negative line to a delivery note. Useful when you are going to return a product in stock to the supplier.

  • Credit memo: When you cancel a sale in the POS of a product in stock.

  • Net unit cost: The cost per unit excluding tax of this movement. There are two configurations in Golfmanager to calculate this amount:

    • Basic: The system writes here the unit cost that we have configured in the configuration page of this product without making any calculation.

    • Advanced option stock.autoUpdateAverageCost: The system calculates the average price of all movement types for this product. Although the calculation is more accurate, we recommend avoiding this option in order to have a simpler and faster system.

  • Quantity*: Number of units of this product for this movement.

  • Remaining: Number of remaining units of this product for this warehouse.

  • Creation date: Date on which the stock movement was created.

  • Delivery note: ID of the delivery note, if it is of type Receipt, that generated this stock movement.

  • Delivery note line: ID of the delivery note line, in case it is of type Receipt, which generated this stock movement.

  • Inventory line: ID of the inventory line, if of type Regularisation, which generated this stock movement.

  • Sales line: ID of the sales line, if of type Exit, which generated this movement.

  • Observations for this stock movement.

  • Supplier of this product, configured in the product profile.

  • Class of this product, configured in the product profile.

  • Department of this product, configured in the product profile.

  • Inventory: ID of the inventory, in case of Regularisation type, that generated this movement.

What is each type of transaction

To consult the Stock movements, the list can be filtered as any of the Golfmanager lists. Filtering by Type will allow you to view the type of transaction that has originated the movement. The following table explains the types of transactions that exist.

  • Incoming: Purchases generated from a delivery note.

  • Outgoing: Sales generated via the POS.

  • Transfers: Transfers from one warehouse to another.

  • Cancellations: When you delete a delivery note line, if it has already been added to stock.

  • Recoveries: When you recover a deleted delivery note line, if it has already been added to stock.

  • Regularisations: Regularisations made through an inventory.

  • Returns: When you add a negative line to a delivery note. Useful when you are going to return a product in stock to the supplier.

  • Subscription: When you cancel a sale in the POS of a product in stock.

How to create a filter in the list of stock movements

From the Main Menu:

  1. Go to Stock > Stock List > Movements tab.

  2. To search and filter in each list there is a field Search and Filter on the right.

  3. Filter and search for what you want, as many times as you need, in the image there are 3 filters as an example: "subfamily contains skirts", "Supplier contains Adidas", "type: Entry".

  4. Finally you can click on 3 dots and customise.

  5. If you want to save the list click on Customise with the "title" of the list and the desired columns.

  6. Click on Save.


Does the selling price change when moving from one warehouse to another?

The selling price of the item is created directly when the new product is created on the delivery note, the price is NOT changed when transferring between warehouses.

How do I make a product disappear from a warehouse?

Remember that a product with history, with stock movements in the past, you can not make it "disappear" or remove it from the stock list.

You can make a regularization of that product to leave the stock to zero, because first you have to make sure that they do not have stock in that warehouse, and then remove the product from the product list so that it does not appear in the POS.

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