error validating the 'Multiple reservation' field. Type': value is required
Files Q19
Web Reservations - Customer Zone
We are sorry, something went wrong
If you see this message, it could be for several reasons:
The most common is when we do a deploy. To do this, go to Main Menu > Settings > General:
Go to the last section System
Select the Update Database button
For more information, go to this link.
Error validating the 'Multiple booking' field. Type': value is required
If you see this message, it could be for several reasons:
In theory, this error appears when you do not enter the name of the course, but if you do, try another name since it is the same name as the other course.
The most common is when we do a deploy. To do this, go to Main Menu > Settings > General:
Go to the last section System
Select the Update Database button
For more information, go to this link.
No intervals available in xxxxx on dd/mm/yyyyy hh:mm
If you see this error it is because you are trying to add a reservation type with a start or end time that exceeds the start or end time configured in the Area. You should:
Go to the Configuration Menu > Reservations > Area.
Select the Area reference
Activate the Ignore intervals field.
Save the changes.
The start or end time does not match the available interval (hh:mm > reservation time).
If you see this error it is because you are trying to add a reservation type with a start or end time that exceeds the start or end time configured in the Area. You should:
Go to Configuration Menu > Reservations > AreaC
Select the Area reference
Activate the Ignore intervals field.
Save the changes.
The cash register is opened by XXXX
If you see this message it is because you have activated the option to Block cashier per user from the Main Menu > POS > Configuration. For more information, go to this link.
Invalid booking XXXXX
If you see this message, please contact technical support via the system chat.
Product XXXX can only be billed to company XXXX but the invoice is issued by XXXX
If you see this message on the POS when trying to pay for a certain product with a wallet voucher, you have to check the Subfamily of those Products, they must have the same Company. You have 2 options:
In the Voucher configuration, select Invoice Mode > Do not include in the invoice. For more information go to this link.
Remove the company from the Subfamily of that Product or modify the company in the Subfamily with the same one for that product. For more information go to this link.
If you see this message when marking sales as paid in a Q19 File, it is because you are trying to generate a Q19 file for a company that is different from the company added to the Subfamily of that Product. You have 2 options:
issue remittances with different companies
remove the company from the Subfamily of that Product, issue the collections and put the company back in the Subfamily of that Product.
The voucher has restrictions and does not allow you to pay for this sale
If you see this message in the POS, go to the Client tab > Vouchers tab
Select the voucher reference with which you wanted to make the payment and display this message.
Check the days of the week on which you can pay with this voucher. If necessary, modify them.
The sale id XX (Description) is in Q19 id YY (Name) and cannot be paid directly.
If you see this error message on the POS when trying to finalize a sale with a payment method, it is because that sale is included in a Q19 and cannot be paid directly from the POS.
In order to pay it from the POS, you must first remove it from Q19. To do this, you have to:
Go to Main Menu > Billing > Q19
Select the YY reference of Q19 that indicates the error message: Q19 id YY
From the Q19 detail, in the Lines section, mark only the XX sale reference that the message indicates.
Select Actions
Select Delete
Select Accept
Return to the POS and finalize the sale with the payment method you want.
XXXX tags cannot be deleted directly
If you see this message when trying to delete a label from the client tab, follow these steps:
From the Main Menu > CRM > Quotas tab
Check its start and end date, to see if its quota does not allow you to delete it.
Check if the quota is deleted. (Quotation list > Actions > View trash)
If it is deleted, write in END, a date in the past so that the label stops appearing, for example yesterday's date.
You can also check it from Main Menu > CRM > Customer Tags.
Search for the customer, from the search engine, adding the customer name or adding a filter with the "Customer" field > contains > the customer name.
Note that the END field contains an end date in the past.
Select the reference of the customer tag you want to delete
Select Edit.
Add a date in the past to the END field so that the tag no longer appears, for example yesterday's date.
Select Save.
Check the customer profile to see if the tag has been deleted.
The BIC cannot be generated. Please enter it manually
If you see this message when you try to download a Q19 file, it is because one of the customers has added the bank account but the BIC has not been generated automatically and you must enter it manually.
To check which customers have not added the BIC to their bank account in the system, follow the steps below:
Access the list of bank accounts, from the url:
Sort this list by the BIC column, selecting the name of the column.
You will see that bank accounts with an empty BIC field will appear.
Select the reference of the account with the empty BIC to go to the account details.
Select Edit.
Manually add the BIC.
Select Save.
Repeat the process for all customers with this field empty.
Once the changes have been saved, download the Q19 file again.
NOTE: If you notice that the system does not add it automatically, you can use a free website to validate the IBAN and BIC, for example:,
Customer XXXX does not exist
If you see this message when issuing an invoice from the sales list, it is because the customer with reference XXXXX, assigned to one of the sales, has been deleted from your database. To recover the Client from the trash, follow these steps:
Access the client list (Main menu > CRM > Clients)
In the Actions drop-down, select View trash
From the search engine or using the list filters, search for the client by the reference indicated by the error message (XXXX)
Select the client reference to access the detail
In the Actions drop-down, select Restore from trash.
Return to the Sales list and issue the Invoice.
The client is mandatory
If you see this message when issuing an invoice from the sales list, it is because one of the selected sales does not have a Client. To add the client to the sale:
From the sale detail, select Manual Edit
Select the Client field
In Value, add the client to whom you want to assign the sale
Add a Reason for the modification of this sale (mandatory field).
Select Accept.
The value already exists
If you see this message when issuing an invoice from the sales list, it is because the invoice number already exists. Check that:
If any changes have been made to the invoice series format
If the last value of the invoice series has been modified.
To do this, go to the following link
From the invoice series details, you can access View History from the Actions drop-down to see the changes that have been made.
Product XX does not exit
This message is because the Reservation Type that is active and online has a deleted Product added to it.
The number displayed is the number of the deleted Product.
You have two options:
Add another Product to the Booking Type.
Retrieve the deleted Product. To recover the deleted product, follow these steps:
Go to the Configuration Menu > Billing > Products.
From the list of products, select Actions > View delete items
Look for the reference XX that indicates the error message.
Select the reference XX
From the deleted product detail, select Actions > Restore from Bin
Select OK
The limit to cancel this reservation was dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
If you see this error when canceling an online reservation it is because the time allowed to cancel an online reservation has been exceeded.
The time limit set for canceling an online reservation can be modified, according to your configuration, from:
Configuration Menu > Reservations > Areas
Select the Area Reference
Section > Online Booking
Modify the Cancellation limit field
Configuration Menu > Reservations > Reservation Types
Select the Booking Type Reference
Section > Online
Modify the Limit to cancel field
If you have added a cancellation limit in both sections:
Limit to cancel in area: This is a general rule that applies to all reservations made in that area.
Reservation type cancellation limit: This is a more specific rule that only applies to a specific type of reservation.
When both rules are active, the one for the reservation type overrides the one for the area. This can be useful for scenarios where more detailed control is needed for certain types of reservations, even though the general area rules remain in effect for others.
This app is only available to members. Please contact the club for more information.
If a customer trying to log in to the club from the App displays this error, it is because the customer tag type does not have Member is active. To activate it, follow the steps below:
Go to Configuration menu > CRM > Customer labels.
You will see a list of customer tag types. Find the label of the customer you are trying to enter.
Select the reference
From the label detail, select Actions > Edit
Activate the Is Member field
Select Save
Note: If you want all customers to access your club from the app, activate this field in all customer tag types.