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V3 - System 🚧👷🏻‍♀️⚠️
V3 - System 🚧👷🏻‍♀️⚠️
Updated over 2 weeks ago



Section: Settings > System > General


  • Name to display in the customer area. Ex. La Finca Golf Club

  • Short name that appears at the top of the Main Menu.

  • Application icon that will be displayed in the application but also in browser tabs

  • Logo of your club that will be displayed on the website, application, invoices, etc.

  • Login background image. Image displayed in the background of the customer area registration page. This image remains behind the club's login mode.

  • Centered background image. Activate this option so that the background image fills the entire width of the screen. This image remains behind the club's login mode.

  • Main color. Select the color you want to customize the appearance of the visual elements in the customer area. It allows you to adapt the color scheme to the visual identity of your company, making calendar elements and pop-ups in Consumer adjust to the color you choose. The elements in the customer area that will adopt the selected color are:

    • Calendar: The dates on the calendar will appear in the color you have chosen.

    • Pop-ups and Borders: When you hover over the hours or interact with the pop-ups, both the borders and the pop-ups will be displayed in the selected color.

  • Dark menu. Select this option if you want the Main Menu to appear in dark blue


  • Time Zone of your golf course so that bookings from different countries work correctly. Ex. Europe/Madrid

  • Location of the golf course

  • Geographical coordinates. To obtain the geographic coordinates go to, right click on the point on the map to copy the coordinates and click on the coordinates to paste the copied data.

Language and culture

Customize your app to suit your country's needs.

  • Culture. If you choose a culture here, the system will use the default values ​​of that culture and you do not need to fill out the rest of the information in this section. In case you want to customize one or more formats of the options below, they will override the default values. In this way you will obtain the visualization of the formats completely adapted to your needs

  • Default language of your application. Spanish. Each user will be able to choose their own without affecting the default language

  • Currency name

  • Currency symbol of your country's currency. €, $, £

  • Symbol on the left . Activate this option so that the symbol is displayed before the price

  • Decimal separator . Choose period (.) or comma (,) so that quantities with decimals are displayed correctly. 5.50 or 5,50

  • Thousands separator . Choose a period (.) or comma (,) so that quantities greater than a thousand are displayed correctly. 1,000 or 1,000. The combined result of the previous point and this one will be 1,000.50 vs 1,000.50

  • Number of decimal places shown on the screen and on the ticket. Ex. 2. The system internally will work with more if necessary even if it is not shown to the user

  • Short date format . Ex. dd/MM/yyyy

  • Long date format . ex. dd/MM/yyyy

  • Date and time format . Ex. dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm

  • Long date and time format . dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm

  • The first day of the week . Select the first day of the week that will be shown in the reservation calendars, classes, prices, etc.


This information will be visible on the website:
- Street of your facilities.
- City of your facilities.
- Region of your facilities.
- Postal code of your facilities.
- Country of your facilities.


  • Plan your V3 manager application. Read only

  • Mode of your application. Testing or Active

  • End of the test if in Test mode . From that date on, the application will become read-only and will only be activated if you activate the account.

  • Application icon that will be displayed in the application but also in browser tabs

  • Logo of your club that will be displayed on the website, application, invoices, etc


V3 manager allows you to integrate via API with third parties. These will need the following documentation and some API keys to be able to connect both applications. API keys are obtained by: (1) creating a system user as if it were an employee and, after (2) saving, (3) clicking on the Generate API key button .

  • Documentation . Link to API documentation for integrators

  • Include API key in examples . Activate this option if you want the documentation examples to already include the user's API key for greater convenience


V3 manager allows you to send automatic reservation confirmation emails, manual emails, sending invoices, even automatic campaigns. These emails are sent with the V3 manager email, clearly indicating in the Sender the name of your club, that is, the player will have the feeling that the email has been sent by the club itself. Only if you look inside the email carefully at the email address will you see that it has been sent with the V3 manager email. You can change this behavior by contacting your email server and filling out the following information.

  • Sender name that will appear in the inbox. Ex. C​o​m​p​a​n​y​ ​N​a​m​e​

  • Sender email from which the emails will come. i​n​f​o​@​c​o​m​p​a​n​y​.​c​o​m​

  • Response address for when the client decides to respond to your emails. i​n​f​o​@​c​o​m​p​a​n​y​.​c​o​m​

  • Outgoing email server : URL that must be provided by your email provider. Ex. s​m​t​p​.​c​o​m​p​a​n​y​.​c​o​m​

  • User of your email account provided by your email provider

  • Password for your email account provided by your email provider

  • Port through which your emails are sent. This information is provided to you by your email provider. Ex. 5​8​7​

  • Do not verify certificate . Activate this option if you want to ignore certificate errors

  • Disable notifications if you are testing and do not want clients to receive any type of email

  • Default email footer. It is not applied in HTML templates. To disable notifications sent to customers via a link, add {{disableEmail}}. When you add it, an email will be sent to the configured email, showing the message you have written along with the link to unsubscribe from Golfmanager notifications. This link will allow the recipient to unsubscribe from all email notifications, except essential ones, such as password recovery.


  • Setup Wizard . Activate this option if you want a virtual assistant to help you when starting to use the V3 manager application


  • Clear cache . If you want to clear the temporary system memory

  • Delete test data . By clicking here, sales, collections, and tickets are deleted so you can start with the clean application. Products and customers are not deleted

Custom fields

Section: Setup Menu > System > Custom Fields

The Custom Fields functionality allows users to create new fields within the system to meet specific data collection needs that are not addressed by the default settings. This tool is designed to accommodate the unique requirements of each business.

With this functionality, users can extend the information recorded in the system's tables or entities, such as Clients, Reservations or others, by adding specific fields according to their needs.

In order to create Custom Fields it is necessary to have the Custom Fields module installed. For more information about contracting and downloading this module, please contact our support team.

Once you have downloaded this module, follow the steps below to create a new custom field:

  • Go to the Configuration Menu > System > Custom Fields.

  • Select New and fill in the following fields.

  • Visible label (required field). This is the name that will be displayed in your system. Here you can use capital letters, spaces, accents, etc.

  • Model (required field). We will select or look for the table of the system where we want to incorporate a new field.

  • Name (required field). We will put the desired name to this new field. This name will be internal to the database so it can only contain alphanumeric characters, no spaces, no accents and no capital letters.

  • Data type (required field). Select an option from the drop-down list:

    • Small text

    • Long text

    • Whole number

    • Number with decimals

    • Yes/No

    • List (of values):

      • Name. This field must be filled in with the name you want to be displayed in the list of values.

      • Value. Fill this field if you want that when exporting a list in Excel, a value appears in place of the ID.

      • Label.

    • Date

    • Date and time

    • Time

    • Currency

    • Image

    • File

    • Encryption

  • Size

  • Decimal places. Add the number of decimals you want it to contain.

  • Default value. Add a value if you want it to appear by default.

  • After. Select from the dropdown an option for the new field to appear after an existing field.

  • Required. Activate this option if you want it to be a mandatory field.

  • Read only. Activate this option if you want it to be a read-only field.

  • Unique value. Activate/deactivate this option

  • Hidden. Activate this option if you want it to be hidden in the table.

  • Public. Activate this option if you want it to be public (access images and files from the public web).

  • Internal key. Name of the column in the database. Leave this field empty and when the created field is saved, it will appear automatically.


· Refund mode upon cancellation : Choose the payment method with which the reservations will be returned when the client is within the allowed cancellation period.

· Email reminder . Choose how long before the reservation you want to send a reminder email to your players .

Registration fields

Here you can add fields that the client can fill out when creating an account in the client area.

Additional cards in the home

You can add more cards or buttons on the consumer area page.
- Text that will appear on the card.
- URL to which the customer will be taken when clicking on the card. Note, it has to start with an extra “/”. //consumer/activities.



V3 manager allows you to save public holidays. When configuring fees, prices, courses, etc. the system will ask you if you want to include public holidays. In order for your management to run smoothly you will need to fill in and update your club's public holidays.

How to add public holidays

  1. Access the calendar via Main Menu / Settings / Holidays

  2. Select the public holidays in the calendar by clicking on the day.

  3. Click on Assign. You will see a message confirming the changes

How to delete public holidays

If you want to delete one or more public holidays:

  1. Access the calendar via Main Menu / Settings / Holidays

  2. Select the public holidays in the calendar by clicking on the day.

  3. Click on Delete. A confirmation window will open

  4. Click on OK. You will see a confirmation message with the changes

If you want to delete all public holidays:

  1. Access the calendar via Main Menu / Settings / Holidays

  2. Click on Delete all. A confirmation window will open

  3. Click on OK. You will see a confirmation message with the changes


You can create as many calendars as you need and you may need them to:
- Define a teacher's
work schedule . - Limit dynamic prices depending on the season .


Section: Main Menu > Settings > Icons

From here you can add images to later use them as icons in the system, such as in Reservation Types, Resource Types or Views.

Special buttons

  • New:

    • Name

    • Image. Maximum file size is 50KB

  • Actions:

    • Export

    • Export (all columns)

    • Matter

    • See the trash

    • Edit mode

    • Bulk editing

Architecture of a calendar

A club may configure:
- One or more calendars. - Within a calendar, one or more date ranges. - Within a date range, one or more time ranges.

In this flexible way you can create:
- A calendar for working hours and holidays. - A calendar for high and low seasons. - A work calendar for a teacher. - An opening calendar for the tennis facility, for example. - And many more. more combinations.

How to create a calendar

  • Click on Main Menu / Settings / Calendars . You will access the list of calendars

  • Click New

  • Write the Name for this calendar. For example, high season, low season, facility schedule, Pro 1 schedule, weekdays, tennis calendar, etc.

  • Click Save . You will see at the bottom a new Calendar Days section

  • In the Calendar Days section click New

  • Choose the start and end date for this calendar. You can add more dates when saving

  • Select the Days of the week for this calendar

  • Click Save . You will see at the bottom a new Calendar Hours section

  • In the Calendar Hours section click New

  • Choose the start and end time for these dates on this calendar. You can add more hours when saving

Your calendar will now have been created.

How to edit a calendar

  • Click on Main Menu / Settings / Calendars . You will access the list of calendars

  • Click on the Reference of the calendar you want to edit. The details of that calendar will open

  • If you want to edit the calendar name (if not, skip this step):

    • Click Edit

    • Change the Name

    • Click Save

  • Click on the Reference of the date range you want to edit. The details of that chosen range of days will open.

  • If you want to edit the days of the chosen range (if not, skip this step):

    • Click Edit

    • Change the days

    • Click Save

  • Click on the Reference of the time range you want to edit. The details of that chosen range of hours will open.

  • If you want to edit the hours of the chosen range (if not, skip this step):

    • Click Edit

    • Change the Hours

    • Click Save

With these steps you have been able to change any data of the 3 levels that make up a calendar.

How to delete a calendar

  • Click on Main Menu / Settings / Calendars . You will access the list of calendars

  • Click on the Reference of the calendar you want to edit. The details of that calendar will open

  • Click on “More actions”

  • Click on “Move to Trash”. You'll see a confirmation message and a Recycle Bin label in the header of the page


A system user is a person who will work from the administration part of V3 Manager. While a client is the person who will operate with V3 manager from the client area.

Each user will have a permission or role that will allow access to certain pages and certain actions.

Who needs access?
- The reception employee. - The accounting employee. - Any other employee who needs access to the reservation agenda, billing, etc. For example, marketing, waiters, etc. - The manager. - The teacher, even if they only have access to the teacher app. - A third-party program that wants to connect via API.

Users page. General

  • User photo

  • User name

  • User email . It is important that it is a valid email because it is the entry way to the application and on some occasions you will need to reset the password, hence the importance of it being real

  • Profile for this user. E.g. Administrator or Basic. You can create as many profiles as you need

  • Disabled . Activate this option if you want the user to no longer be able to operate in V3 Manager

  • Of system . Indicates whether this user has been created automatically by the system

  • APIKey . Password that this user will need, in the case of integrators, to connect V3 with other external systems

  • Homepage . Here you can select which home page this user will see when entering V3 manager. Useful to give the director direct access to the Dashboard

  • User's phone

Users page. Special buttons

  • Generate API key . Click here to have the system generate a new API key for that user. Remember that API keys are necessary to connect V3 Manager with other systems

  • Send access email . Once the user is created, click here to send them an email with instructions for accessing V3 Manager. Basically they will have to choose a password and they will be redirected to the administration part


How to register a new user

  • Access the list of users in Main Menu / Settings / Users

  • Click New

  • Fill in the data:

    • Name (required)

    • Email (required). This will be the way to identify yourself when logging in to the administration part

    • Profile to assign the permissions you will have throughout the administration part

    • Home page (optional)

    • Telephone (optional)

    • Company (optional)

  • Click Save

  • Click on Send access email to receive an email for the next steps. A confirmation window will open

  • Click OK . The system will send the email to the user

  • The user must open the email and click Access . V3 Manager will open for you to enter your password

  • The user must enter their password to access V3 Manager

  • Click Update Password . The system will redirect the user directly to the V3 Manager administrator home page

  • We recommend (optional) that the user saves the link in the favorites bar



A profile is a series of permissions for system users. You can create as many profiles as you need. Here are some examples:
- Basic . It is created by default when you register the application and can be useful for a standard reception.
- Administrator . It is created by default when you register the application and can be useful for the person in the club in charge of maintaining the V3 Manager configuration for the club.

- Accounting . You could create this profile so that it has special permissions and can touch tickets, payments from the past, etc.
- Golf coach . It is created automatically when you download the Academy app. This profile is useful to give you access only to your agenda.
- Address . You could create this profile so that it only sees reports without the risk of accidentally modifying something.
- Integrator . Depending on which tool you want to integrate, you can give it access to certain modules. Ex. Invoices for an accounting program.


Prior definitions

  • Administrator , user who can access and modify the configuration of a module .

  • User , user who is going to use a program module, but who does not access its configuration .

  • Configuration means being able to create, modify or delete some configuration record: a product, a tax, etc.

Prior notes

In this list of permissions you will surely see more options than in your application and that is because you have not contracted certain modules. That is, if you do not have the Dashboard module contracted, these permissions do not have to appear in your application. In this list we are going to explain each and every one of the system permissions, assuming that you have all the modules contracted.

Permissions page.

Administrator permission

  • Audit Administrator . You can configure Audit module values

  • Client Administrator . You can configure values of the Customers module such as “Customer Tags”

  • CRM Administrator

  • Dashboards Administrator . You can configure Dashboard module values and create new charts

  • Member actions Administrator

  • Forms Administrator

  • Machine Administrator.

  • System administrator . You can configure general system settings

  • Billing Administrator . You can configure values of the Billing module : products, taxes, families, etc.

  • Reports Administrator

  • Bookings Administrator . You can configure values for the Reservations module : reservation types, resources, schedules, etc.

  • Restaurant Administrator

  • Stock Administrator. Only users with Stock Administrator permission will be able to:

    • Send orders: Manage and process order shipments.

    • Print labels: Generate and print labels for products in stock.

    • Edit orders: Modify the details of existing orders.

    • Manage suppliers: Access and manage supplier information.

    • If a user without Stock Administrator permission attempts to perform any of the above actions, the system will display a message indicating that they do not have the necessary permissions to complete the action.

  • Simec Administrator . You can configure Simec module values : IPs, machines, etc.

  • Online Store Administrator . You can configure values of the Online Store module

  • POS Administrator . You can configure POS module values : buttons, new POS

  • Sales Administrator . You can configure values ​​of the Sales module

Permissions page. Delete Permissions

Deleting some records can be a problem and that is why you can configure profiles so that only them, who know what they are doing, can do it.

  • Delete Invoices . You can delete invoices. To do this you need the other permission Reset invoices to draft activated. Then the user must (1) go to the invoice detail, (2) reset to draft, (3) click more actions and (4) delete

  • Delete Reservations . You can delete a reservation entirely. If this permission is not activated, the user can Cancel a reservation, but never completely delete it without leaving a trace.

  • Delete Sales . It can eliminate a sale entirely. If this permission is not activated, the user will be able to Cancel a sale from the past, but never completely delete it without leaving a trace. When a sale from the past is canceled, the system will never modify that past sale, but will instead create a negative one today. This way you can modify past sales without altering production reports

Permissions page. Other permissions

  • Developer . Only available with the V3 Studio module downloaded. Gives you access to developer tools to create custom extensions and resources e.g.

  • Manual invoices . Activate the New button from the invoice list to be able to generate an invoice manually. Very useful for accounting departments that only want to operate from a single site or listing without going through the POS

  • Install modules . Allows the user to install or uninstall modules from the App Market

  • Modify past sales . Allows the user to create, delete or modify sales past today. Having this option activated is dangerous since past reports will be modified. Therefore, activate this option only on those profiles that know what they are doing

  • Teacher . Only available with the Teacher module downloaded. With the option activated, the Teacher element will be added to the reservation menu, which will give you access to the class app

  • Reset invoices to draft . This permission allows you to edit an invoice that has already been issued. Due to its sensitivity, it is highly recommended that this permission be active on those profiles that know exactly what they are doing as it will affect reporting and taxation. This permission will enable a Reset to Draft button in the invoice detail to convert the invoice from read-only to edit mode. Make the changes you consider and confirm again

Permissions page. User permissions

  • User Clients . You can access the client list, as well as create, modify or delete

  • Billing User . You can access billing lists, as well as create new records in them

  • User Ideas . You can access the list of ideas, as well as create, modify or delete

  • Mailings User . You can access the Mailings list, as well as create, modify or delete

  • User Notes of the day . You can access Daily Notes, as well as create, modify, or delete

  • Reservations User . You can access the reservation occupancy, the customer list, as well as create, modify or delete in the future

  • SEPA user . You can access the list of direct debits, as well as create, modify or delete direct debits

  • Simec User . ??

  • System User . ??

  • User Tasks . You can access the list of tasks, as well as create, modify or delete

  • Online Store User . You can access the Online Store and operate with it

  • POS User . You can access the POS and operate there

  • Sales User . You can access the sales list, as well as create, modify or delete it in the future.

  • WikiBooks user . You can access the wikiBooks list, as well as create, modify or delete

  • Dashboards Users . You can access the different Dashboards and operate with them, but not create new charts


Section: Main Menu > Settings > App Market

The V3 App Market is a store where you can subscribe or cancel the subscription to modules that will help you in the operations of your club: reservations, billing, etc.
The user, with the appropriate permissions, will be able to install and uninstall the modules themselves. Keep in mind that the cost of your V3 Manager may be updated each period automatically according to these actions, upwards (upgrade) or downwards (downgrade). This way you will be able to use only the modules that interest you and have an application that It really adapts to your needs.

Previous notes


You can easily search for the desired module using our search engine, or scroll manually if you prefer.


A dependency is that an application, in order to function, needs other modules to be activated.


· APIs v1.

Move the v1 APIs used by the TOs to v3.

· Partner actions.

Action management.

Dependencies: Clients.

· Agencies .

Agency reservation management.

Dependencies: Reserves.

· Store .
Warehouse and Supplier Management.Dependencies: Barcodes, POS.

· Sign up .
Sign up for activities.

Dependencies: Reserves.

· Track Automation .
Automation of tracks.Dependencies: Reservations.Documentation.

· Blog .

· Bonds .

· Bulk Mail.

Sending massive mailings.

· Global search engine .
Search engine in the top bar.

· CRM.

Dependencies: Clients

· Box .

Cash management (opening, closing, cash balance, etc...)

Dependencies: POS

· Buggy posters.

· Chat .
WhatsApp style chat and groups.

· Checkoutpay.

· Customers .
Reservations Unit, CRM, DNI/CIF Spain, Billing, Teachers, Membership Actions.

· Cms .

· Trade Globalpayments.

Dependencies: POS.

· Dues .

Subscriptions and recurring charges.

· Bar Codes .
Printing of barcode labels. POS Unit, Warehouse.

· DNI/CIF Spain .
Validate the DNI/CIF field in the customer file.Dependencies: Customers.

· Dashboards .
Dashboard module.

· DemoPay .
Test Payment Gateway.

· Deposits .
Wallet bonus as a form of payment.

· Developer .

For developers and expert users: Allows customization and extension of v3.

· EasyCard .

EasyCard payment gateway.

· Ecommerce. Allows you to sell products from an online store, generating orders with shipping costs. This entire module is connected to the club's stock and billing.

· Automatic extras .
Allows you to configure automatic extras for reservations.

· Billing .
Billing management.Dependencies: Clients.

· Manual invoices.

Allows you to generate manual invoices.

· Birthday congratulation .
Automatically send a birthday greeting email.

· Mexican Taxation.

Dependencies: Billing.

· GM app.

· Bills .

· Cancellation management.

Allows you to require a reason to make cancellations and approve or reject them by the administrator.

· Support management.

Support ticket management system.

· GetSelect .

Integration with GetSelect APIS for ball machine.

Dependencies: Reservations, Clients.

· Gmmt.

To activate the Multitenant API submenu on superadmin servers.

· Golf .
Golf Course Management.Dependencies: Reservations, Golf.

· Golf Genius.

Integration with GolfGenius tournament management software.

Dependencies: Reserves.

· Google Analytics.

Integration with Google Analytics for the customer area.

Dependencies: Customer area.

. Customer groups

Allows you to manage groups of clients to assign to bookings.

· Dominican Republic Treasury.

Dependencies: Billing, Clients.

· Portuguese treasury.

Dependencies: Billing, Bar Codes.

· Hotel .

It adds certain extra functionalities to the system for the day-to-day life of a hotel. As of today, only the "room cleaning" functionality is available. This functionality will allow the hotel to mark rooms that are clean or dirty. What this module does is add a column to your Resources (rooms) table called Ready. The value of this field can be yes or no. What the system will do is look at the reservations for those rooms, mark them as dirty, and paint the color of that status next to the room number in the reservation occupancy, with Red = dirty, and Green = clean.

Dependencies: Reserves.

· Hotel: hotel tags.

Allows you to assign customer tags during the hotel stay.

Dependencies: Customer area.

· IDEAL (Stripe) .
IDEAL payment gateway (Stripe).

· Ideas.

· Partner information.

Allows you to publish documentation for partners in the consumer area.

Dependencies: Customer area.

· Police report.

Dependencies: Reserves.

· Reports .

GM reporting unit.

· GM Reports.

Dependencies: Reports

· Integration with Github .

· Integration with opera.

Integrates the functionality of making room charges through Opera.

Dependencies: Billing, POS.

· Intercom .

· Migration from v1.

This tool will help you import tenant data from V1 to V3.

Steps to migrate information:

  • From the v1 tenant: Menu Settings > General Settings > App Center > find and download the API V2 plugin

  • From the v3 tenant: Main Menu > Configuration > App Market > search and download the Migration from v1 module

Put in the Tenant V1 field the URL of the V1 tenant to be migrated. Example:

Select each button to import the information.

· Multicurrency .

· Machines .
APIS for integration with ball machines.Dependencies: Bonds.

API documentation.

General documentation.

Microsoft NAVISION integration.Documentation.

· NMI .


· Grades .

· Notes of the day .
Show notes of the day in the top bar.

· Notifications .

· OAuth 2.0.

Login with Google.

· Oracle .
Integration with Oracle.Documentation.

· Direct payment .
Allows you to directly pay invoices online.Dependencies: Customer area, Online store.

· Dynamic pricing .

· Teachers .
Dependencies: Clients.

· Promotions.

Allows you to establish offers and discounts.

· QuickBooks .


· Redsys .
Redsys Payment Gateway.

· Relationships .

Relationships between clients

Dependencies: Clients

· Bookings .
Reservation Management.Dependencies: Clients.Agency Dependency, Sign Up, Golf, Restaurant.

· Restaurant .

Dependencies: Reservations, POS.

· SEPA .
SEPA Direct Debit.

· Simec .

Integration with SIMEC ball machines.

Dependencies: Bonds.

API documentation.

General documentation.

· System .
System functions. System Dependency, Clients, Client area, Reservations, Agencies, Sign up, Barcodes, POS, Warehouse, Vouchers, Global search engine, CRM, Quotas, DNI/CIF Spain, Automatic extras, Billing, Manual invoices, Birthday greetings, Golf, Reports, Intercom, Notes of the day, Notes, Online store, Direct payment, Teachers, Dynamic prices, Restaurant, Translations, SEPA, Demo Pay, Notifications, Dashboards, Deposits, Membership actions, Blog, Hotel: hotel tags, Member information, GM Reports, Bulk Mail, Simec, Checkout, Buggy signs, Chat.

· SiteMinder.

Integration with SiteMinder.

Dependencies: Reserves.

· Stripe .
Stripe Payment Gateway.

· POS .
POS and cashier.Dependencies: Bar Codes.

Warehouse, Restaurant, Cash Office Unit.

· Tasks .

· Online store .
Online sales. Departments: Customer area. Direct payment department.

· Tonder .

Tonder Payment Gateway.

· Translations .

· Stock variants.

Dependencies: Warehouse.

· WikiBooks .
Wiki style books.

· Xero.

· Customer area .
Online store dependency, Direct payment, Hotel: hotel tags, Member information.


Include reCAPTCHA verification in different areas of the application.


Section: Configuration menu > System > Templates

A template is the tool that allows you to customise how to paint certain information that will be visible to your customer: an invoice, a booking confirmation email, etc.

The system already comes with predefined templates, but they are open to the user to customise them as they wish. This way your customers will be able to receive information from your club with your personal touch.

Note, it is very important that someone who really knows what they are doing touches the system, because the consequences can be serious and give a bad image.

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions:

    • Export from an Ecxel

    • Import from Excel

    • View Trash

    • Bulk edit

Select an ID

Preview tab

  • Description

  • Title. Will be visible to the user when receiving an email or notification.

  • Name. Type one of these options:

    • activityCancellation. To email the player that the activity has been cancelled.

    • activityConfirmation. To email the player that the activity (Sign-up) has been confirmed.

    • birthday. To congratulate a customer

    • cancellation. To send a booking cancellation email to the player.

    • confirmation. To send a booking confirmation email to the player.

    • consumerConfirm. Customer registration

    • courseParticipant. Registration...

    • customerRegistration. Template that the customer receives when creating an online account and having to confirm his email address.

    • directPay. Available for online payment

    • documentEmail. For sending invoices by email to the customer

    • ecommerceConfirmation. Confirmation of new order in the Ecommerce module.

    • invoiceEmail. To send the invoice to the customer by email

    • newAccountUser. Template that the user receives when he has been invited to access an application.

    • privacy. To customise the Privacy page visible in the customer area.

    • relationshipRequest. Relationship request

      reminder. To send an email booking reminder to the player.

    • resetPassword. Template that the client receives when resetting his password.

    • setPassword. Template that the user receives when they are going to access the program for the first time and have to assign a password.

    • signUp. To send the player an email confirmation that they have signed up for an activity (SignUp).

    • signUpPending. To email the player that the activity (Sign Up) is not confirmed yet

    • terms. To customise the Terms and Conditions page visible in the customer area

  • Type. Select an option from the drop-down menu:

    • Email

    • Page. E.g. legal terms or privacy page

    • Document

  • Format. Select an option from the drop-down menu:

    • Text

    • HTML

    • Markdown

  • Language. Enter the language in which you want the template to be sent (e.g. ‘Spanish’, ‘English’, ‘French’). The system will automatically select the template corresponding to the language configured for the customer. For example, if a customer has ‘English’ configured as the language, they will receive the template in English if it exists. Note: At the moment, you must type the language manually, but in future updates a drop-down menu will be added to facilitate this action.

  • Content of your template and what your customer will receive or see.

Template Keys

These templates can contain the text you want but also “import” information automatically. For example, in an email template in which we want to send the invoice to the client, we can attach the invoice number to the template . These “imports” of data into the templates must be done in a certain way and to do this you must know the code of that data and put it in braces {{ }}. Ex . {{number}}.

Reservations Email Templates

· Locator : {{reference}}

· Date : {{date}}

· Time : {{time}}

· Price : {{price}}

· Hint : {{resource} }

Invoice Email Templates

· Invoice number : {{number}}

· Date of issue :

o {{date.format(“d”)}}. The result would be 08-03-2023

o {{date.format(“D”)}}. The result would be Thursday, August 3, 2023

· Client : {{name} }

Templates with Links

· Links : {{ url }}

Keybind shortcuts

Section: Settings Menu > System > Keyboard Shortcuts

In v3 Manager you can customize keyboard shortcuts to work faster and thus improve your productivity. All actions (create new, edit, etc.) can be done with the mouse, but a shortcut can be very useful. Who doesn't know CTRL+C in Excel to copy a cell? If you know it, you will understand how useful it can be to have this same thing in v3 Manager.

How to change keybinds

  • Select the action you want to edit in the row. A popup will open.

  • Press the Key Combination you want. CTRL and then C. The system will have saved the new combination.

NOTE. These changes will affect all users, so it must be taken into account whether a user uses Windows or Mac, as the combination is not the same depending on the operating system.


  • Toggle language. It allows you to change from English to Spanish.

  • Advance. You may have noticed that in certain Lists or Detail Pages we have arrows that allow us to go to the next record (when we are on the detail page) or go to the next page of the list (in case we are viewing a list with many records). . This shortcut allows you to go to the next record or the next page without having to click the icon:

  • Copy. On certain Detail Pages you will find the Copy button inside the More Actions button. This shortcut allows you to copy that record without the need to click the button.

  • Edit. Same case as the previous point, but in this case with the edit button. Create your shortcut and you can use it as an alternative to the button visible on the screen.

  • Manage Listings. V3 Manager is full of lists and all of them can be customized with your own filters and then saved and accessed quickly. You can click the star icon, or create your own keyboard shortcut.

  • Keep. Same case as the previous points of Copy and Edit. Create your keyboard shortcut to save your changes without needing to click the save button.

  • Save and New. Same case as the previous points. Create your keyboard shortcut to save your changes and open a blank record to create a new one without needing to click the save and new button.

  • Save and return. Same case as the previous points. Create your keyboard shortcut to save your changes and return to the previous screen without needing to click the save and new button.

  • Go to App Market. Create this shortcut to access the App Market quickly without having to navigate through the app menu.

  • Go to Keyboard Shortcuts. Create this shortcut to access Keyboard Shortcuts quickly without having to navigate through the application menu.

  • Go to Occupation. Create this shortcut to access Reservation Occupancy quickly without having to navigate through the application menu.

  • Go to the POS. Create this shortcut to access the POS quickly without having to navigate through the application menu.

  • New. Create a keyboard shortcut so that from a list or detail page you can open a blank screen and generate a new record: customer, product, etc. just as the system would act if you clicked on the New button.

  • Select language. It allows you to choose which language you want to select between Català, English, Español, Francais, Galego, Dutch, Portugues, Turkish.

  • Return. Create a keyboard shortcut to return to the previous page just as the system would act if you clicked the Back button.

  • Back to list. Create a keyboard shortcut to return to the previous list.

Home pages


In V3 Manager you can choose that a user, upon entering the administration part, lands in a certain module. For example, you may be interested in:
- the reception seeing the reservation occupancy when entering,
- the manager going to the dashboards ,
- or the teacher seeing their class agenda .

With this tool you can create your own home page and then go to that user's profile and indicate which will be the first page they see as soon as they enter the V3 administration part.

Home pages

· Name for this home page. This name will be visible when you go to the user's page and want to assign a home page.

· URL of the page the user is going to land on. Note , look at the examples that already exist, you have to add an extra /.

· Module to which this URL from the previous point belongs. e.g. bookings, tasks… Looking at existing examples can help.

· Consumer . Activate this option if the home page belongs to the client zone. Do not activate it if the page is part of the administration zone. Look at the examples tea can help .

· Priority . Order in which these home pages will appear in the drop-down menu on the user's page when you want to assign them a special page.


Countries are used when adding or editing an address in a customer record. When you choose the Country field, a drop-down menu will appear with all the countries in this list, so it will not be an open field. You can add a new country from the same customer record, or you can choose to import directly to this list with the export/import tools.


Regions are used when adding or editing an address in a customer record. When you choose the Region field, a drop-down menu will appear with all the regions in this list, so it will not be an open field. You can add a new region from the customer record itself, or you can choose to import directly to this list using the export/import tools.


Section: Main Menu > Settings > Menu

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions:

    Generate default menu

    Export to Excel

    Import from Excel

    See the trash

    Bulk editing

Select an ID

  • Text

  • URL

  • Permission

  • Father

  • Priority

  • Root

  • Icon

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