New PATH App
We have released a new PATH Assessment application written in React and working with a new PATH API!
The new application is completely ADA-compliant and has a mobile-first responsive design, meaning it adapts to all sizes of devices and is designed for optimum experience on these.
UI Enhancements
Updated individual PATH and DNA wheel shading so that non-dominant behaviors show in a lighter color.
This helps the dominant behaviors stand out more while still providing an overall picture of the individual behaviors.
Added descriptive animal text to PATH results to make a connection between the PATH animals and the PATH dominant behavior, so PATH participants have a deeper understanding of their results.
Updated the GoodJob application to only show Candidates their PATH results when they create an account and log in.
This prevents them from seeing their match scores for any jobs they have applied to.
Replace prompt to create new employer or candidate account with Error Message that the user name and password entered were incorrect.
Prior to this change, there was a way to create an employer org or new account when entering an email without an existing account.
Made some enhancements to the PATH Results page:
Removed the highlight on the dominant behavior
Enhanced accessibility by adding links and alt tags for images
Removed the login option for users.
Updated GoodJob matching logic so that a Candidate is automatically matched and scored when they are added to another job for the Employer and they have a completed PATH.
This prevents candidates from being asked to complete the PATH Assessment more than once.
Candidates invited to multiple jobs will not be emailed if they have already completed the PATH or if they have been invited in <14 days apart.
Moved candidate/applicant reminder emails from HubSpot to SendGrid.
This should enhance the likelihood of our emails being received by recipients, and it enhances the delivery speed of these notifications.
Migrate PATH Results Email for all participants from HubSpot to SendGrid.
This should enhance the likelihood of our emails being received by recipients, and it enhances the delivery speed of these notifications.
Migrate Azure from 3DI to CDW to our own Azure tenant, enabling us with many more performance tools and direct support for development operations and deployment support.
Create Match Query to score all Employees and Candidates against all Job Role DNAs that exist for that Employee.
This provides the framework on which to build a report which can be emailed to any Employer (next phase).