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WhatsApp Templates

Describes WhatsApp templates and how to create new ones and have them approved

Doug Taylor avatar
Written by Doug Taylor
Updated over a week ago

WhatsApp templates

WhatsApp has very strict rules around messaging in order to prevent the platform from being exploited for spam or phishing. Due to these rules, you must use a template that has been reviewed and approved by WhatsApp when starting a conversation with a candidate or when it has been more than 24 hours since a candidate last responded.

Adding a template

To add a new template, reach out to Support with the following details:

  1. Template Name

  2. Message body

Note: The template cannot contain any newline/line breaks, tabs, or more than 4 spaces in a row

Note: If you want to personalize the template, you can include snippets that will automatically add details like the candidate's name, the recruiter's name, the job, etc.

Once it is approved it will show up in your list of available WhatsApp templates in bulk messages or 1:1 messages.

Template Suggestions


Suggested Template

Opt-In 1

Hello {{ profile.first_name }}, [Company Name] would like to communicate with you via WhatsApp, respond Y to continue.

Opt-In 2

Hey, {{ profile.first_name }}, we haven't heard from you in a while, respond Y to continue the conversation.

Warm Conversation 1

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}! We would love to chat about your interest in [Company Name], if you are still interested please respond to this message.

Warm Conversation 2

Thank you for joining the [Company Name] job community! We’re so happy to have you! Is there a specific role you find interesting?

Post Application 1

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}! I am {{ sender.first_name }} with [Company Name] and I will be reviewing your application. In the meantime, any questions?

Post Application 2

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, Thank you for applying to careers at [Company Name]! We've received your application and will be in touch shortly after reviewing it. We appreciate your interest in working with us! If you have questions, feel free to text back on this number to reach us quickly!

Job Board

Thank you for joining the [Company Name] job community! We're so happy to have you! Is there a specific role you find interesting? Check at our job board! [job board link]

Nudge 1

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}! {{ sender.first_name }} from [Company Name] here, wanted to make sure you saw my last note. Let me know your thoughts.

Nudge 2

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}! Still interested?

Nudge 3

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}! {{ sender.first_name }} from [Company Name] here, checking in again! Do you have any questions I can help with?

Phone Screen

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, Congratulations on being selected to move forward in the interview process with the role at [Company Name]! Please check your email for scheduling options to chat with your recruiter. We are excited to meet with you soon!

Manager Interview

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, thanks for taking the time to chat with us! We’d like to schedule an interview with the hiring manager as a next step! Please check your email for the scheduling link and let me know if you have any questions.

Pre-Employment Screening

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, We are excited to keep the hiring process moving forward with you for the role at [Company Name]! Please check your email with a few forms to fill out.

Assessment Complete / Meets Company Standards

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, We are happy to let you know that we have received your assessment results and they meet our [Company Name] company standards! We will be reaching out to schedule next steps so be on the lookout for follow up email to schedule an interview!

Offer Extended 1

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, Thank you again for interviewing with [Company Name]! Be on the lookout for some good news coming your way soon via email!

Offer Extended 2

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}! We are so excited for you to join the [Company Name] team, big congrats on the job offer! Keep an eye out for information on onboarding, and of course don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. CONGRATS AGAIN!

Onboarding Info Sent

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, Congrats once again on your job offer at [Company Name]! Be sure to check your email today as there is time-sensitive onboarding information waiting for you. If you need assistance, please text us back or reach out to your recruiter!

Background Check / Drug Screen Sent 1

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, We are excited to continue the onboarding process for you here at [Company Name]! Please check your email as soon as possible as there is time-sensitive information re: background check forms to complete. If you need assistance, text us or contact your recruiter!

Background Check / Drug Screen Sent 2

Congratulations again on your job offer at [Company Name]! I just sent over the background check and drug screen forms to your email for you to complete today. Did you receive them?

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