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Delete or archive a project
Chrissie Smith avatar
Written by Chrissie Smith
Updated over a week ago

Deleting a Project

You can delete projects from your account. This will not affect your project allowance. Your allowance is the total amount of projects you can create.

  • In the action column of the project, you want to delete click the '...' symbol

  • This will reveal the possible actions available for that project including 'Delete' - click on this

  • A box will appear asking if you want to delete your project, click Yes, delete project

  • When you delete a project it is permanent and cannot be reversed

Archiving a Project


You may choose to archive a project so that it remains on the system, but does not appear on your 'All projects' or 'My Projects' lists.

To archive a project, click on the Archive button from the 'Actions' column.

The project will now appear under the Archive tab on your Project Dashboard. You can restore any archived projects by opening the Archive tab and click on restore.

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