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How to set up and edit teams

Create new teams, assign members and managers - all explained in here!

Iryna Struk avatar
Written by Iryna Struk
Updated over 10 months ago


The Teams tab is within the Personnel/Training section of your account, where you can create new teams and add members.

Who can set up and edit teams?

You need to be a "Personnel editor" to create teams.

Account administrators can set up the user permissions needed to create a Team Manager.

You can only create teams in the division(s) you have access to.

Need more information about Teams?

How can I create a new team?

In order to create a new team:

You need to have Personnel Editor access to create and edit teams

If you have multiple divisions, you might want to consider which division you create the team in.

Managers vs members

Once personnel are added to a team, you can switch between a member and a manager in the dropdown menu.

Team members: the personnel who belong to a team. This is reflected when you filter the dashboard and reports.

Team managers: can view and manage the personnel within the team. They need to be set up with a matching personnel profile

You will not be able to set up a Team Manager unless their matching user profile has access to the division the team is in. They must be set up with a matching user profile first, as described in our guide below ⬇️

Rules for setting up teams

  • Team names must be unique across the entire account and all divisions

    • For example, you cannot have a team called "Engineering" both in your "London "division, and your "Manchester" division.

    • You could name the teams e.g. "Engineering London" and "Engineering Manchester"

  • A team sits within one division

    • If you have multiple divisions, a team can only belong to one division at a time

    • The personnel member needs to be part of the division the team is in

    • Teams cannot span across divisions

  • Personnel can be members of multiple teams

    • A personnel can be part of multiple teams, e.g. "Engineering" and "Management" as long as the teams are both in the same division as the personnel profile

  • Team managers can be assigned across divisions

    • You can add a team manager to a team that sits in a different division from the

    • These will be marked as "Manager only"

    • You will need to grant the corresponding user profile access to this division (see Team Manager setup guide)

  • Team managers must have a matching user profile with access to the division(s) their teams are located within

    • If you are unable to set up a team manager, they likely don't have access to the division in their user profile (separate from their personnel profile)

    • This means that if you assign "" as a team manager for a team in the division "London Offices", you need to ensure that the user "" also has access to the "London Offices" division in their user settings

    • This is managed in Settings > Users. Only account admins can manage user access

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