Project creation process
Project details page
Risk assessment
Sequence of operations
Method statement
Editing risk assessments
You can edit any of the risks associated with the activities you select in the risk assessment section. When you edit the risks it is only for that project and will not be applied to all your projects.
Select a task and click edit to the right hand side of the activity
You will now be taken to all the risks associated with that particular task- click the edit button for any of the risks you need to change
Click in the text box to edit the text for the task, hazard and control measures
To edit the risk and residual risk click the box with the number in and the risk matrix will appear, click the number in the risk martix assessment that you require
To change the person at risk click the arrows to reveal a drop down menu
When you have finished making the changes click update this will save your changes and take you back to the risk assessment page