Project creation process
Project details page
Risk assessment
Sequence of operations
Method statement
Almost like a recipe, the sequence of operations section lets you create a step-by step instruction for a task. Sometimes called sequence of work / task, the information in this section is automatically formatted into a bullet-point list in your final document.
You can also add images each step!
How sequence of operations work
Based on the categories you selected in the risk assessment section, relevant sequence of operations will appear in this section.
You can add, remove and re-arrange tasks and sub-tasks in the sequence of operations section if there are relevant tasks for your selected categories and activities.
The changes below will only be for the specific project you are working on and any subsequent duplicates of that project. If you want to make permanent edits and additions to your sequences of operations, you will need to use our Content Editing feature, available on our Enterprise packages.
Remove tasks and sub-tasks
Navigate to the sequence of operations section
Any tasks you do not require in your RAMS documents uncheck the box next to the task and sub-task
Re-arrange tasks and sub-tasks
Hover the cursor to the left of the tick box over the 8 dots and an arrow cursor will appear
Click and drag the task or sub-task to its required position
Adding tasks
Scroll down and click '+ add task'
Enter the task in the text box and click 'add this step' when finished
Adding sub-tasks
Under each task you can add sub-tasks - click '+ add sub-task' under the main task
Type the sub-task in the text box and click 'add this step' when finished
The sub-task will automatically appear at the end of the list- click to the left of the of the tick box and arrows will appear, click and drag to re-arrange
Edit existing tasks and sub-tasks
Double click the text of the task or sub-task you need to edit
A text box will appear to edit the text on your project
When done click 'update'
When you are finished editing the sequence of operations click 'next' or 'save and exit' to save your changes.