1. Open customer profile
2. Select the 3 dots to the right of the payment amount
This is specific to the Payments section
3. First option: Transfer to invoice
This option is for transferring payment from one invoice to another within the same customer profile
4. Click on Invoice *
5. Select the invoice from that profile to transfer to
6. Select NEXT
7. Confirm Transfer
8. Second Option: Transfer to account / invoice
This option is for transferring payment from one account to another, and the ability to apply payment to an invoice within the new profile
9. Select the 3 dots to the right of the payment amount
This is specific to the Payments section
10. Click on Transfer to account
11. Enter the account to transfer payment to
You can search by account number or account name
12. Select the account
13. Click on Invoice *
14. Select the unpaid invoice to apply payment to
15. Click on Next
16. Confirm transfer
Created with Tango.us