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Hauler Hero / TrashBolt integration
Hauler Hero / TrashBolt integration
Updated over 7 months ago

Hauler Hero now offers an API (Application Programming Interface) for your TrashBolt customer entry forms.

This API will allow you to take your TrashBolt customer entry form and automatically create a new customer profile in Hauler Hero.

How does it work?

Your new customer will enter their information in your existing TrashBolt customer entry form -

Once submitted, the information that was entered by your customer will then create a new customer profile in Hauler Hero -

Once the customer's profile is saved, you can add services and route.

Questions you might have:

Does Hauler Hero only work with TrashBolt customer forms?

  • At this time we are currently only offering an API with TrashBolt, however if you are using Salesforce or Hubspot CRM, please contact your Implementation Manager or and we will work with our Engineering team to determine if we can extend the API.

Is TrashBolt included with my Hauler Hero agreement?

  • We do not have any contracts with other softwares at this time. If you are interested in TrashBolt Online Signup, please contact to get started.

How do I request this API for my company?

My customer paid online to start service. They want to save a card on file and or start autopay. Does the card they pay with save to Hauler Hero?

  • Not at this time. We do recommend once you have reviewed the new customer account, to send them a portal invitation right away to get that started.

My customer selected the services they want, do the services automatically populate in the newly created account?

  • Not at this time. We recommend reviewing the data of the services and adding accordingly.

My customer selected an annual plan, but the billing profile defaulted to Monthly. Why?

  • At this time the bill profile attached to your customer profile will be the default billing profile in your Hauler Hero account. We recommend reviewing the customer contract and editing the profile to select the bill profile that is appropriate for the customer.

Is there a report to show all customers who were created via the API?

  • Yes! We have a report in Metabase as well as Looker. Once your TrashBolt API is established, we are happy to show you where to access this report.

Does Hauler Hero have a way to determine the account is a duplicate?

  • Not at this time. Although we don't anticipate existing customers signing up for a new account, accidents do happen. Please contact support via blue chat bubble or email and we are happy to assist you.

Can I attach the contract the customer signed to Hauler Hero?

  • If the contact is accessed with a link, yes you can.

  • Using the Account Notes section of the customer profile, you can paste a link that once saved is clickable.

What is an API?

  • Imagine you want to order food from a restaurant. You could call them up, read out your order, and they'll prepare it for you, right? An API, or Application Programming Interface, is like that phone call, but for computers.

    Basically, an API allows different software systems to talk to each other in a standardized way. Just like you don't need to know how the kitchen prepares your food when you order, software developers don't need to know all the inner workings of another system to use its API. They just make a request (like placing an order) and get a response (like receiving your food).

    So, APIs make it easier for different apps or services to work together, share information, and perform tasks without developers needing to write all the code from scratch. They're like messengers that let programs communicate and cooperate effectively.

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