Enrollment basics
Many carriers offer integrated enrollment on HealthSherpa for Medicare. The enrollment form is pre-filled based on the Contact's details from the CRM. When you submit the enrollment, transmits directly to the Carriers, with your agent details, and your CRM is updated with an enrollment history.
Carrier coverage & integrated enrollment
We have nearly all carriers represented in plan shopping – over 85% by marketshare. For integrated enrollment, we have 65% of carriers represented by marketshare. We're adding new carriers every month – see the full list.
What is integrated enrollment?
Integrated enrollment means you can enroll directly from our platform, with an enrollment form that pre-fills from the Contact Profile. When the enrollment is submitted, it does two things:
Sends the enrollment directly to the carrier, with your agent data (NPN and Writing Number)
Syncs the enrollment details to the Contact Profile
For carriers without integrated enrollment, you'll need to enroll on their carrier portal. All of the content below is regarding integrated enrollment carriers.
Enrollment forms
Our integrated enrollment allows you to enroll consumers directly from our platform using a pre-filled form:
Our enrollment forms are maintained and hosted by our technology partner, Connecture. This means every form is carrier-approved and CMS-approved.
Click here to see an example of a full enrollment application.
Questions about enrollment forms
Because each enrollment form is controlled by each individual carrier, it's best to direct questions about the forms to the carriers themselves. If you contact a carrier with questions, let them know you're using their Connecture hosted form.
Signature options
When you press enroll, you'll see the option to select the eSignature or Voice signature version of the enrollment forms. If you're recording the call, you can use Voice signature, and you'll be able to submit the enrollment yourself. If you're not, use e-Signature, which allows you to fill out the form, then send the client a link to sign and submit it.
👉 See a detailed breakdown how this works in our Signature options article.
SEP codes
Specific codes are sometimes utilized on enrollment forms to indicate which Special Enrollment Period (SEP) a Medicare recipient may be eligible to receive. Our enrollment flow doesn't use these codes, but if you're used to seeing those, here's a breakdown of how they map.
Resuming an enrollment
If you start an enrollment, and need to get back to it later to finish, you'll need to go through these steps:
Go to the person who you were enrolling for's Contact Profile
Click the "Shop for [contact name]" button in the top right
Find the plan that you were enrolling them in, and click the Enroll button
You'll be taken back into the enrollment form with everything filled out as you left it.
Immediately after you (via Voice signature) or your client (via eSignature) submits an enrollment, you both will get an email confirmation that looks like this:
CRM Updates
Immediately after you submit an enrollment, an Enrollment detail card will appear on the Contact Profile. Learn more here
Enrollment statuses
Our system only has the "Submitted" status for an enrollment. We don't get back whether it was pended, approved, or cancelled.
Editing & re-submitting
Or system doesn't allow for re-submitting them for the same contact, in the same plan, for the same plan year. To do that, please go to the carrier's site directly.
Your agent data attached to submissions
When we submit your enrollment to the carrier, it includes all of the form's customer data, as well as this data about you as the agent:
Your NPN
Your Writing Number (also referred to as Tax ID, TIN, SAN, Agent ID, etc)
For certain carriers, who need it, we also include your Agency Writing Number. Carriers who don't need this are able to identify your agency hierarchy based on your personal Writing Number alone.
Ready-to-sell (RTS) factors
Carriers who have enabled integrated enrollment have done so by setting up a Ready-to-sell (RTS) integration with us. So you'll only be able to enroll in the specific carriers, products, states, and plan years that you're RTS for. Learn more about our RTS system
Frequently asked questions
What is HealthSherpa’s relationship to Connecture?
We've integrated with Connecture to get plan, provider, pharmacy, and drug data via their API. We've also integrated with Connecture's CMS- and Carrier-approved enrollment forms.
Why isn't my enrollment appearing in the carrier broker portal?
Some carriers may take 1–3 days to display new enrollments in their broker portal. To check the status sooner, reach out to your broker representative for that carrier—they can often provide updates even before the enrollment appears in the portals.
Questions? Contact support
Call (855) 521-4984 or email medicare-agents@healthsherpa.com with questions.
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