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How to add reviews as a brand

Rate your experience and help other users.

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over a week ago

Heepsy allows users to write public reviews of past collaboration experiences. This way, before collaborating with another user, you will be able to see the reviews of their past experiences in their profile.

How to write reviews?

You will be able to write reviews about your collaboration experience from the Add review icon from the My proposals table.

When can I write reviews?

Reviews can be written for all the received proposals you've responded to. Reviews are automatically published on the counterpart's public profile after creation.

Reviews are public and other users will be able to see them. At the My Profile section you will be able to see not only reviews about you, but also all the reviews you have written over time.

If you disagree with any of the reviews on your profile, you can always select the flag icon and express your disagreement to the Heepsy support team.

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