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Disconnect a connector
Niamh McGlade avatar
Written by Niamh McGlade
Updated over a month ago

How to Disconnect a Connector from Your Hurree Account

If you no longer need data from a specific connector to sync into your Hurree account, you can disconnect it at any time.

Important: Disconnecting a connector will permanently disable any widgets linked to it. These widgets will need to be manually deleted from your dashboard.

Step 1: Access Account Settings

  • Navigate to your account settings in the bottom left-hand corner of your dashboard.

Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 15.45.42.png

Step 2: Open the Connectors Tab

  • At the top of the account settings screen, click on the Connectors tab.

Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 15.48.10.png

Step 3: Select the Connector to Disconnect

  • You will see a list of all available connectors.

  • Click on the tool you want to disconnect.

Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 15.58.19.png

Step 4: Confirm Disconnection

  • A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the action.

  • Click the Disconnect button.

Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 15.13.23.png

Step 5: Review Dashboard Changes

  • The connector will now be removed from your account.

  • Any widgets linked to the disconnected connector will become static, displaying a message that the connector has been removed.

Step 6: Reconnect If Needed

  • You can re-add the connector anytime via the Connectors tab or the + Add Widget button.

  • If you re-enable the connector, any previously disabled widgets still visible on your dashboard will be re-enabled automatically.

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