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Inbox Monster Account Settings
Inbox Monster Account Settings

This article describes each section of Inbox Monster's Account Settings

Matt McFee avatar
Written by Matt McFee
Updated over 6 months ago

Let's get started.

Welcome to Inbox Monster! As you begin to familiarize yourself with the Inbox Monster interface, the information included in this article will provide more information about Account Settings and all the things you can do in your new account.

To access the Inbox Monster's primary account settings, please log into your account and click on the Gear icon in the upper right.

Below is a list of each section and the functions that are available to you as an Admin user.

Setup and Integrations

In this section, you can access the following:

  • Client Name: Change the name on your account

  • Seedlist: Download the most recent Seedlist in a .csv format, for both Email and SMS (where applicable)

  • Body Tag: Body tag is only used by senders whose ESP does not use a common x-header AND whose inbox placement tests are sent using dynamic subject lines.

  • DMARC Settings: If you'd like to add DMARC monitoring to your campaigns, use the DMARC record included here.

  • Engagement Pixel: If you'd like to add audience engagement monitoring to your campaigns, use the engagement pixel included here.

  • Project Email Address: If you subscribe to Inbox Monster rendering services, you can send and email to this email address to generate a full creative rendering report.

  • Integrations: This section offers many integration options, including IP and Domain reputation monitoring (Google Postmaster & Outlook SNDS), Single Sign-on (Okta), or ESP integrations that enable automated and scheduled inbox placement tests.

  • Seed Schedules: Includes a list of existing scheduled inbox placement tests. You can also Remove an existing schedule in this section.

  • Assessment Branding: If you use Inbox Monster's Monster Analysis tool and would like to add your company's logo, you can that in this section.

  • Delete Client: Use this section to delete the entire account.

    • Caution: Don't use this option unless you are 100% sure you would like to delete your company account and all the data associated with it.


  • ISP Tiles Settings: Customize the ISP Tiles that are provided on your account's Dashboard view to ensure quick and easy access to the week-at-a-glance performance of your top ISPs. These can be added and removed at any time.

  • Other Tiles: Enable additional tiles to populate alongside ISP tiles for helpful metrics, such as Spamtraps by Domain/IP, Complaint Rate Averages, Gmail Tab Placement, etc.

  • Trending Charts: Enable Dashboard Trendlines for Inbox Placement, Spamtraps by Domain/IP, Complaint Rates, and more.

  • Modules: Enable unique visual aids on your dashboard that reflect the data for several key areas of focus, including Blocklist Activity, Reputation Changes, Audience Summary, and more.

Account Usage

Account Usage is only available within Parent Accounts

Current Account: View or export the current account's usage over the last 30 days

  • Account Name

  • Owner

  • Created Date

  • Total number of IPs monitored

  • Total number of Domains mointored

  • Inbox Reports generated

  • Creative Project Generated

Child Accounts: View or export the above details for any Child Accounts that have been created under the viewed parent account.

Add Member to ALL Child Accounts

This feature allows you to grant full parent/child account access to a new or existing Inbox Monster user, granting them either Administrator or Standard User Permissions. Upon clicking "Add", this user will receive a platform invitation email.

Domain Settings

In this section, you can access the following:

  • Domain Details: You can use this section to add new domains for monitoring purposes. Please note: based on your subscription agreement, adding domains may increase the cost of your monthly services. Please contact your Inbox Monster representative if you have any questions.

  • Domains: The domains being monitored are listed in this section. You can delete domains by clicking Delete. Please note: If you Delete a domain, you will lose all historical data associated with the domain.

  • Domains > Settings: The following additional domain-based controls are available by clicking Settings next to a domain:

    • ISP Management: Customize which ISPs are included in your inbox placement reports by toggling them on or off

    • Add IPs: Add the IP addresses that should be linked to this domain.

    • IP Management: Manage the IPs already linked to this domain.

    • Authentication Records: See a list of records found for this domain.

IP Settings

In this section, you can access the following:

  • Add IP Addresses: You can use this section to add new IP addresses for monitoring purposes.

  • IPs: The IPs being monitored are listed in this section. You can delete IP addresses by clicking Delete next to the IP address in question. Please note: If you Delete an IP address, you will lose all historical data associated with the domain.

  • IPs > Modify: The following additional IP-based control is available by clicking Modify next to an IP address:

    • Change IP Label: All IP addresses will be labeled 'Transactional' by default. You can customize the IP label to make it easier to identify throughout the Inbox Monster interface.

SMS Settings

SMS Settings will only be available for accounts with access to the SMS Deliverability Platform Tools.

  • Sending Number: Text box for inputting the SMS sending number you'll be using for SMS Testing (short code, long code, or toll free)

  • Numbers: View all numbers that have been added to your account for monitoring, and access each of their respective settings

    • Number-specific settings include Carrier Selection and Number-Specific Seedlist Downloads

Blocklist Settings

In this section, you can customize which Blocklists are included in your blocklist reports by toggling them on or off.

Access Settings

In this section, you can access the following:

  • User Permissions: You can customize which sections of the Monster interface User-level permissions are able to be seen by toggling each section on or off.

  • Add Client Member: Invite new team members to join your company account and assign them Admin (access to all) or User (think: read-only) level permissions.

  • Pending Client Invitations: Any invitations that have not been accepted will be listed here.

  • Client Members: All teammates are listed in this section. You can change the permission-level associated with a teammate by clicking on Administrator or User next to the teammate. You can Remove a teammate from your account by clicking Remove next to the teammate.

That's it for Inbox Monster's primary account settings. To access additional account settings, please click on the Green Circle to the right of the Gear icon

User Settings

Below is a list of each section and the functions that are available to you as an Admin user. To access these sections, click on your Initials in the top right of the Inbox Monster platform.


In this section, you can access the following:

  • Profile Information: Change the name and email address associated with your own account.

  • Update Password: Change the password associated with your account.

  • Update Slack Notifications: Add the Slack Webhook URL you'd like to use to view triggered notifications in a Slack channel of your choosing.

  • Notification Channels: Select which channel you would like triggered notifications to be sent to, or turn them both off if you do not want to receive triggered notifications.

  • Two-Factor Authentication: Increase security for your account by turning on two-factor authentication.

  • Browser Sessions: This section helps identify other open browser sessions that could interrupt the session you're currently in.

  • Delete Account: Use this section to delete your own personal account. Caution: don't use this option unless you are 100% sure you would like to delete your account and all the data associated with it.

Notification Preferences

In this section, you can access the following:

  • Inbox Placement Notifications: Set up notifications for your most important ISPs and receive alerts if inbox rates fall below a pre-defined level.

  • Blocklist: Set up notifications to alert you if any of your domains or IPs end up on any of the blocklists monitored by Inbox Monster.

  • Spamtrap Hits: Set up notifications to alert you if any of your domains hit a pristine, recycled, SNDS, or typo trap.

  • Reputation: Set up notifications to alert you if any of your domains fall below a certain reputation status as reporting by Google Postmaster or Outlook SNDS.

API Tokens

In this section, you can access Inbox Monster's API suite and set permissions for your API token.


This one is self-explanatory!

That's it for Inbox Monster Account Settings! As always, if we can help with anything, please log into your account and use the Intercom chat in the bottom right of the Monster interface and we'll take care of you. Thank you!

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